جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Thursday, October 5, 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between tAn-Najah National University and MA’AN Development Center to further their commitment to environmental and climate justice within the Environmental and Climate Justice Program (ECJP) in Palestine.

The MOU was signed by Professor Abdel Nasser Zaid, President of An-Najah National University, and Mr. Sami Khader, MA’AN Development Center’s General Director. The ceremony was attended by Ms. Luna Saadeh, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ms. Ghada Kadoumi, Projects Manager, and Ms. Bisan Abu Hawash, Project Manager, representing the MA’AN Development Center. On behalf of An-Najah University, key attendees included Dr. Heba Al-Fares, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Prof. Saed Al-Khayyat, Director of Scientific Centers, Prof. Anan Jayyousi, Director of the Energy Research Center (ERC), and Dr. Munqez Jy. Shtaya, Project Coordinator.

The Environmental and Climate Justice Program in Palestine, implemented by the MA’AN Development Center, aims to enhance environmental and climate justice in Palestine. It is dedicated to empowering civil society organizations and human rights activists to identify and challenge the obstacles hindering environmental and climate justice in the region.

Prof. Zaid expressed his gratitude to the MA’AN Development Center for its support of pioneering projects and initiatives focused on achieving sustainable development goals. He emphasized that the partnership with MA’AN aligns with the University’s educational, community, and research mission.

Mr. Khader commended An-Najah University for its commitment to establishing partnerships that drive community development. He praised the collaborative relationship between the University and the MA’AN Development Center in several projects that aim to make a positive impact on the region.

Under the MOU, both parties have committed to implementing a range of activities within the Environmental and Climate Justice Program in Palestine. These activities include raising awareness on critical environmental issues and conducting applied research on the most pressing concerns for target communities within the program.

It is important to note that the Environmental and Climate Justice Program (ECJP) in Palestine receives funding from the Swedish Consulate in Jerusalem and operates in partnership with the Swedish Foundation "We Effect" and the Palestinian Agricultural Institutions Coalition (PAIC). The program's membership includes the Land Research Center, the Agricultural Development Association - PARC, the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Agricultural Work, MA’AN Development Center, the Palestinian Hydrology Group, and the Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ).

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