جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University's Public Safety Committee, in collaboration with the Palestinian Civil Defense, recently organized a specialized training course focused on public safety. This initiative targeted a group of students specializing in Medical Laboratory Sciences at the University.

The primary objective of this course was to equip participants with essential skills related to rescue and firefighting operations. These newly acquired skills were intended to be applicable not only in their academic pursuits but also in real-life scenarios. Additionally, the course aimed to familiarize students with various public safety tools and resources.

Prof. Jalal Al-Dabeek, the Rapporteur of the Public Safety Committee at the University, emphasized the commendable efforts of both the Civil Defense teams and the Public Safety Committee in coordinating and providing training to students from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Such courses play a crucial role in enhancing awareness in the field of public safety while honing participants' abilities to understand firefighting techniques, public safety equipment, and their effective utilization.

Prof. Al-Dabeek, while inaugurating the course, also highlighted the University administration's commitment to ensuring public safety within its premises. This commitment extends to securing the safety of its buildings, laboratories, staff, and students.

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