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An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University's Career and Alumni Affairs Unit, in collaboration with the Technology Transfer Office (TTO), recently organized the final conference of the "Reinforcing Access to Cross-Border Employment at Palestinian Higher Education Institutions – REACH" Project. This transformative initiative aimed to expand access to freelance and remote work opportunities, both locally and globally, for individuals seeking flexible part-time or full-time employment opportunities.

Funded by the European Union as part of the Erasmus+ program, the REACH Project brought together Career Units from various Palestinian universities across the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Among its achievements was the establishment of online work centers, including the REACH Center for Work Online at An-Najah National University, under the supervision of the Career and Alumni Affairs Unit at An-Najah.

Central to the project's mission was the training of students and graduates in utilizing work-from-home platforms, encompassing freelance and remote work options. Participants learned essential skills such as platform navigation, subscription processes, and personal account creation and documentation. This comprehensive training aimed to showcase practical models of job-seeking skills, facilitating easier job offers from employers.

The conference commenced with an address by Dr. Imad Brik, Director of the TTO at the University. Dr. Brik highlighted the significance of the REACH Project, generously funded by the European Union, in empowering Palestinian higher education institutions to harness the potential of remote work platforms. He emphasized the project's role in advancing university capabilities by providing essential technologies and training to students, enabling them to access both temporary and permanent job opportunities while facilitating the integration of Palestinian graduates into the global labor market.

Dr. Brik also reviewed the project's partner institutions, both locally and internationally, in Spain, Britain, Slovenia, and Italy. He discussed the project's tangible contributions, including the provision of state-of-the-art equipment for the REACH Center for Work Online at An-Najah National University. Furthermore, he highlighted the project's role in delivering training to Palestinian partner universities in the domains of remote work and self-employment. Additionally, he applauded the REACH Center for Work Online at te University for providing free training to approximately 300 graduates and students through the Career and Alumni Affairs Unit.

Dr. Saed Al-Khayyat, Director of the International Grants and Projects Centre at the University, highlited the importance of remote work and its potential in creating opportunities for both students and graduates. During his address at the conference, Dr. Al-Khayyat shared valuable advice with the attendees, with a particular emphasis on skill enhancement and gaining valuable experiences.

The event featured inspiring success stories from graduates who had embarked on their self-employment journeys. Attendees were introduced to the dynamic REACH project website and had the opportunity to view a compelling documentary showcasing students' experiences in adopting the culture of remote work at An-Najah National University.

Mr. Alaa Abu Dheir, Director of the Career and Alumni Affairs Unit, delivered a presentation highlighting the pivotal role of university education for individuals interested in remote work. He emphasized that education remains the cornerstone of success in an era marked by rapid technological advancements. Employers increasingly seek well-trained graduates capable of delivering high-quality outputs and possessing specialized skills. Mr. Abu Dhair underscored the importance of self-directed learning and the transformative role of online communities in enhancing the capabilities of individuals aspiring to work independently. He emphasized the significance of meticulously crafted portfolios in convincing employers of freelancers' skills and concluded by stressing the importance of self-reliance in skill development and the establishment of a reputable presence on freelance platforms.

The conference included the participation of distinguished guests, including Dr. Saed Al-Khayyat, Director of Scientific Centers at the University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ramahi, Dr. Muhammad Abu Obayya from the Faculty of Engineering, and a diverse group of engaged individuals, graduates, and students.

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