جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University welcomed the Palestinian Ambassador to Portugal, Dr. Nabil Abuznaid, and a delegation representing the National Associations of Portuguese Municipalities on Sunday, April 30, 2023. The meeting was held at the Faculty of Science in the New Campus, and was attended by Mr. Raed Debiy, President's Assistant for Community Affairs, and staff from the University's Public Relations Department.

During the meeting, Mr. Debiy gave a warm welcome to the delegation and provided an overview of the University's academic programs, as well as its most notable achievements on the global stage. He also highlighted the various challenges that Palestinian universities and students face in terms of political and economic obstacles.

Mr. Debiy further discussed the University's modern facilities, scientific centers, and laboratories, including An-Najah's Arabic for Non-Native Speakers Institute, which uses advanced technology to offer language courses to non-native speakers.

The delegation expressed their admiration for the University's high standard of education and its outstanding reputation at both the local and international levels. They also conveyed their sincere appreciation to the University for extending a warm and gracious welcome.

The meeting concluded with a video presentation showcasing the University's various local and international achievements. This was followed by a fruitful discussion session where the two parties exchanged insightful ideas and explored potential opportunities for collaborative efforts to enhance research, education, and other areas of mutual interest.

"We were delighted to host Dr. Abuznaid and the delegation representing the National Associations of Portuguese Municipalities," said Mr. Debiy. "It was an excellent opportunity to showcase the University's capabilities and explore opportunities for collaboration."

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