جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University's Faculty of Law and the Independent Commission for Human Rights recently organized a seminar titled "The Political Participation of Palestinian Women".

The seminar welcomed a range of distinguished speakers, including Dr. Dalal Salameh, a member of the Central Committee of the "Fatah" movement, and Ms. Samar Hawash, Director of the Political Participation Program at the Palestinian Working Women Society for Development. Representatives from the Independent Commission for Human Rights were also present, including Mr. Alaa Nazzal, Ms. Rana Kalbouneh, and Ms. Nadia Abu Diab.

It explored the experiences of pioneering women in political life and shed light on the legal regulation of women's political participation, as well as the social and cultural approach to women's political rights. The event was attended by Dr. Naim Salameh, Dean of the Faculty of Law, faculty members, administrative staff, and students of the Faculty of Law.

Ms. Abu Diab, who has worked with the Independent Commission for Human Rights for over fifteen years, shared her inspiring story of success and experience in reducing violations against women in Palestine through her field research mission.

It's worth noting that this seminar was organized and conducted by female students at An-Najah University's Faculty of Law. This event coincided with International Women's Day and celebrated the Palestinian woman, who is an embodiment of strength and resilience in the history of humanity.

Overall, this event was a significant step towards empowering women in Palestine and highlighting the importance of their political participation.

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