جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University showcases its dedication to inclusive education by participating in a workshop focused on empowering students with disabilities in Palestinian universities. Organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the workshop brought together representatives from all Palestinian universities and higher education institutes.

At the workshop, Mr. Samer Aqrouq, Director of An-Najah University's Students with Disabilities Care Office, shared the University's successful experience in establishing the office in 2008 and its effective strategy for achieving the practical and actual integration of students with disabilities into the university environment. 

Mr. Aqrouq also highlighted the exceptional academic and advisory services, as well as the state-of-the-art facilities, provided by An-Najah University for students with disabilities.

During the workshop, the participants recommended that all Palestinian universities establish specialized units or departments to support students with disabilities and ensure that they have access to necessary facilities. 

They also proposed the creation of a scholarship fund for students with disabilities in all universities and the establishment of a specialized committee to research and study the needs of this group. The participants emphasized the importance of activating all provisions of laws related to the employment and hiring of university graduates with disabilities. Furthermore, they highlighted the need to develop a framework at the national level to enhance the role of the private sector and related associations in providing support and assistance to students with disabilities.

It is worth mentioning that An-Najah National University has more than 327 male and female students with various disabilities studying across various disciplines.

The University continues to strive towards providing an inclusive and accessible environment for all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. It is committed to empowering students with disabilities and enabling them to integrate fully into society.

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