جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University participated in the closing conference of the “MoreThanAJob” project (Reinforcing Social and Solidarity Economy for the Unemployed, Uneducated, and Refugees) funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC MED program, which was held in Beirut, Lebanon, on February 27, 2023.

The event was hosted by Business Consultancy and Training Services (BCTS) under the patronage of the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Social Affairs in the collaboration with the General Labour Union in Lebanon (CGTL).

The closing conference brought together a wide range of partners, including project partners, ministries, stakeholders, social and solidarity economy actors, and public administration representatives.

An-Najah was invited to participate in the conference as one of the project’s coordinators in Palestine, in recognition of the University's efforts to promote vocational education and training in Palestine.

The project, which has been underway for 3 years, has focused on promoting social and economic development in the region. It has achieved several important milestones and has made a significant impact on the lives of people in the Mediterranean region (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Greece, and Italy).

During the conference, representatives from An-Najah shared their experiences and best practices in implementing vocational training programs and supporting job creation in Palestine. They also exchanged ideas and insights with other project partners and stakeholders on ways to improve the impact and sustainability of vocational training initiatives in the region. It included an overview of the project’s achievements over three years.

An-Najah reaffirms its commitment to promoting vocational education and training as a key driver of economic development and social empowerment in Palestine, and looks forward to continued collaboration in this important field.

For more information about the Project, click here.

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