جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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As part of the Open MED Project, forty of An-Najah BA and MA students concluded a training workshop on producing short documentary films organized by the E-Learning Center at An-Najah.

The workshop was over two days from Tuesday December 26th – Wednesday December 27th, 2017 through which the students were introduced to the mechanisms of producing short documentary films to utilize them in the university courses, and the importance of these mechanisms to convey messages and support theoretical education.

The students were divided into groups where each group produced a short documentary on topics related to safety and security while surfing the internet and social media networks and using smart phones.

In the same context, a meeting was held on Thursday, January 11th, 2018 to evaluate the films produced by the student groups. The evaluation committee included Dr. Saida Affouneh, Head of the E-Learning Centre, Dr. Suheil Salha from the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training, Mr. Khaled Mufleh, PR Director and Mr. Mos'ab Miari from the E-Learning Centre at An-Najah.

The students exhibited their projects and briefed the committee on the film's content which tackled issues on cybercrime, children usage of smart phones and the hours to spend on the internet.

At the end of the meeting, the participating students were offered certificates for their creative production.

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