جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The International Office’s American Corner Nablus based at An-Najah celebrated the closing of the After School Programme which invited school children to be part of various extra-curricular activities.

At the closing ceremony, Dr. Mohammad El-Amleh, Vice President for Academic Affairs welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of mutual cooperation between An-Najah and the Palestinian institutions of higher education to create an academically friendly environment in the Palestinian community.

In turn, Miss Alia Gilbrecht, American Corner Nablus Coordinator thanked the attendees and the students for their active participation.

At the end of the ceremony, the participating students were awarded certificates by Dr. El-Amleh and Miss Gilbrecht.


  • The ceremony was also attended by Dr. Alia Assali, Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training; Mr. Imad Abedelhaq, Head of the Physical Education Department; Mr. Khalid Abu Dayyeh, Acting Director of The New Campus Library at An-Najah and representatives of the Directorate of Education in Nablus.
  • The ceremony also included poetry recitation by students from Askar Elementary School for Boys.
  • The After School Programme is an educational programme organized by the American Corner Nablus of the International Office at An-Najah that targets students of public and UNRWA schools in Nablus. The Office hosts a group of students and offers them a training programme on university life, English language, computer skills, mathematics and learning through play.

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