جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
English Language & Literature
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Program Code
Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences
Faculty Website
Program Description

The English Language and Literature department has been opened since the establishment of An-Najah National University in 1978. Over the years, the department advanced in curriculum plans, number and ranks of staff, quality and number of major students, as well as academic programs incorporated in the department, including a post-graduate Applied Linguistic and Translation program.

Thousands of students have graduated from the English Language and Literature department, and have sought employment in Palestine and abroad. The department works vigorously to remain up to date with the ongoing advances in pedagogy, technology and other sciences in general, in order to produce better graduates able to adapt to the social and market needs of domestic and international work fields.
The Department of English Language and Literature at An-Najah National University provides its graduates with the necessary knowledge, skills and training so that they become active civilians in their country, the Arab region and the world. It also improves their critical thinking skills in accordance with their heritage and culture, scientific research potentials and acquiring knowledge; furthermore, it enhances the principles of vocational guidance and leadership in response to the reality of the world in learning and education.
The Department of English Language and Literature provides English language learning opportunities to prepare students to the jobs where excellence is required. It also encourages research in the field of learning to solve problems, since the Department provides the educational environment which leads to creative critical thinking. The Department takes responsibility for providing Palestinian and Arab markets with culturally-, nationally- and nationalistically-enlightened graduates who are professionally and intellectually reliable. Regardless of the hardships, the graduates find their way towards success to become leaders in spreading information and knowledge wherever there is a need for it. Through their study, these students learn to become eloquent interlocutors, writers who respect diversity, and appreciate others’ ideas.

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