جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Communication and Digital Media
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Student must complete 127 credit hours

University Requirements Student must complete 19 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This is a three-hour non-credited English course offered to students who score poorly (i.e. below 50%) on the placement test. Since the major concern of this course is to improve the students? proficiency before starting their ordinary university English basic courses and major courses taught in English, special emphasis has been placed on enhancing the students? ability to effectively acquire the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specifically, the course attempts to ensure an academically acceptable performance on the part of the students at the level of the English basic courses. Moreover, the course aims at expanding students? vocabulary needed for various tasks.
This course aims to establish the concept of Islamic culture and its position among the other international cultures, its position in the Muslim life, its sources, its bases and its characteristics. It also aims to introduce the Islamic culture in faith, worship, relations, morals, and knowledge, to discuss the clash between cultures in addition to Globalization, Human Rights, Woman Rights, Democracy and other contemporary issues.
This course aims to improve the level of students in language skills and various literary, read and absorb and express written, and oral and tasted literary, through texts flags authors and poets in different eras, lessons in grammar and spelling, and brief definition months dictionaries and Arab old ones the modern and how to use them. This course aims to implement the Arabic language in the areas of reading and expression of both types oral and written communication.
This is a three credit-hour university-required English language course designed for students who need to work on the four skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of vocabulary and skills of comprehension are integral parts of the course. In addition, various reading strategies (making predictions, identifying main ideas, reading for details, relating information in the text to life experience) are introduced and developed through a wide range of topics for reading and writing. The course encourages a more analytical and independent approach to study and helps prepare the students for any subsequent exam preparation.
The course is mandatory for university students from various disciplines, so it does provide students with knowledge and `information about the Palestinian reality and in particular the political developments of the Palestinian cause since its inception until the present day in line social and economic developments and political which constitute the main pillars for the study of the Palestinian political reality. This course aims to study Palestinian issue from its begging until present day in social, economic and political issue.
11000108 Community Service 1
11000117 Leadership and Communication Skills 1
11000126 Introduction to Computer Science and Skills 2
11000323 English Language II 3

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 96 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course deals with the basic principles of communication, its forms, concepts, and related theories. It also acquaints students with the various systems of media. In addition, it gives them a general view of the emergence, the history, and the development of communication, including mass media and contemporary digital media.
This course deals with the basics and foundation of the Arabic language in media as an introduction to the arts of the journal writing. It also aims to support the students? language talent and foster their capacity to express their ideas in writing, using strong and clear language free from mistakes.
This course deals with the various and basic theories and schools for studying communication and digital and traditional media and its effect on the spectator. Also, students will learn the theories of the sender, people, means and the impact.
This course deals with the basic principles of statistics and aims to clarify the methods of digital data collection, presentation, and coding methods. It also introduces students to the methods of analyzing the digital data using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
In this course, students will learn how to gather, evaluate, and edit information to craft news and press releases for the broad public. This course teaches the basic theories and core skills of news writing and editing.
    • 10842104
This intensive course delves into the art of modern journalism, such as the art of newswriting and reporting in line with the age of digital media. Also students will learn how to write reports, stories, and scripts based on investigative journalism.
In this course, students will be introduced to the arts of radio and TV writing and editing, the elements of radio and TV language (words, pictures, sounds, and audio and visual effects) and the methods of employing them in the work of radio and television.
This course deals with the vocational ethics of journalists used while collecting news, and then transmitting, editing and preparing it for publication. It also focuses on seeking the truth and the public's right to know, as well as taking the accuracy of a news piece into consideration. It also focuses on several topics such as objectivity, libel, digital blackmail, and defamation as well as ethical data conventions of communication and digital media.
    • 10842103
This course deals with the methods and techniques used to gather information and trains the student on the use of the library and citation, in addition to the collection, arrangement and classification of data. It also teaches the student about the composition of a scientific study and how to formulate research in its various parts. As a practical application, the student writes a research paper that uses the various technical and scientific assets learned in the course.
This course deals with the English language as an important aspect of journalistic work. The point of the course is to increase the linguistic skills of the journalist and expands his/her ability to gather information in English. This course aims to promote the student?s press language in the form of reading, comprehending, speaking, writing and translation.
This course deals with the identification of the principles of digital photojournalism, with an emphasis on the fundamental elements of press shots and photographs. An important stage of this course introduces students to digital image processing and digital photo-editing.
This course focuses on the design of multiple digital media materials (the Web, infographics, multimedia, video and digital advertising). Students will learn how to design and produce web marketing materials, and how to create layouts with multimedia elements. Also they will have a basic understanding of how to repurpose digital media to develop effective messages.
    • 10842104
This course addresses the emergence and development of social networking sites, their forms, benefits and their widespread use. Students will learn how to utilize the most widely used social networking platforms in digital and media publishing, and they will be introduced to social networks platforms' impact on traditional media.
This course focuses on teaching the core skills and principles of digital TV filming and production. Also, emphasis is placed on videography in order to enable students to make and produce appropriate materials for digital media.
    • 10842106
In this course, students will learn how to write a scenario for a promotional video, and how to take the video's script idea from concept to draft using appropriate language.
    • 10842104
This course focuses on teaching students how to systematically and consistently organize, analyze, and interpret the data they gather from the different electronic sources and networking platforms. This qualifies them to produce coherent and understandable information by the audience.
    • 10842202
This course deals with the English language as an important requirement for journalism and communication. It teaches students the different press and digital arts, techniques and skills needed for them to write topics, news, reports, and content in professional and proper English.
    • 10842104
This course deals with the modern methods of collecting, editing, and publishing media materials via applications of smart phones and tablets. It keeps pace with the developments and updates of such applications and of the novel ideas of designing media materials that are to be published.
    • 10842204
This course deals with the key principles of promotion and advertising along with their basics, and types. It also focuses on the use of internet as a medium for advertising, marketing and promotion. The course also trains the students on designing digital promotional and advertising materials professionally.
    • 10842105
This course deals with the foundations of critical analysis of events, such as how to formulate analysis in analytic journalistic molds that are compatible with the modern digital media.
This course deals with the basic knowledge frames of the digital world including key programming concepts and the impact of digital technology on the different spheres of the societal life, ranging from identity to the economical, psychological, and social aspects. It also teaches students how digital technology influences people?s behavioral aspects, the social order, and individuals? interaction with their society.
    • 10842106
This course deals with the basic foundations, stages, and steps of making and producing documentaries.
This course deals with the collective phenomena of public opinion through the available means of communication, both modern and traditional. It also focuses on introducing the factors which form and change public opinion through the study of culture, trends, motives, and beliefs, and then by learning how to employ the different media functions to construct the public opinion, that achieves harmony and agreement in the society. This course also aims at displaying the influence of media on the public opinion and vice-versa.
    • 10842204
    • 10842206
This course deals with integrating all modern media types: text, still and moving images, audio, graphs and video, which used to create interactive media content considering such materials attractive and draw the audience?s attention.
    • 10842103
This course explores the different methods of analyzing traditional and digital media contents systematically such as qualitative and quantitative methods.
    • 10842105
This course aims at empowering students to apply the different skills he has acquired in a real work environment on a condition that he/she should pass training experience in different institutions. They get training in different fields of traditional and modern media, such as websites, producing digital and media materials. Students' training is followed up by the course supervisor. At the end of the training, the student should submit samples of work he/she has executed in these institutions to his supervisor. This course is based on to pass/fail evaluation system, and students have to finish 288 training hours.
    • 10842400
This course is a continuation of the course Practicum Training 1 (10842400). Students get training in different fields of traditional and modern media, such as websites, producing digital and media materials in accordance with students? interests and the direction of the course supervisor. In this course, students have to finish 288 training hours as a basic requirement for graduation, and they must submit samples of work he/she has executed during the training period. Students? marks are pass or fail and are not calculated within the approved hours of specialization.
    • 10842208
This course deals with the English language in the media at a more comprehensive level than in 0841204. In this course, students develop what they studied in that course and practice what they learned as this course teaches them new skills and arts in regard to translating information after gathering it from global digital media sources.
    • 10842202
In this course, students are expected to apply what they learned in the previous journalism writing courses, including producing advanced digital and press materials that include all the elements of digital journalism.
    • 10842201
This course is essentially the outcome of what the student studied in the journalism and digital media program. It is an applied course which a student takes in the last semester and it is within the axes of his interest. It may include the construction of a website, preparing a printed material, or a research project on the media.

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 12 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course is an introduction to the Hebrew language for speakers of Arabic and other languages, and it will focus on the following topics: Hebrew alphabet, Hebrew diacritics, sentence and sentence structure, singular and plural, adjectives, numbers, femininity and masculinity, verb tenses, and comparing linguistic phenomena between Arabic and Hebrew. At the end of the course, the student will be able to read, write, and talk, and will have sufficient knowledge of vocabulary.
This course aims at introducing students to their homeland Palestine with its pre- 1948 borders. Physical and human characteristics are studied. It also aims at strengthening the students? loyalty to their land and people
This course introduces the general and key concepts in sociology, focusing on concepts related to social phenomena, attitudes, operations, systems, structures, and organization; and it addresses some of the social theories and their relation to the community.
This course deals with the theoretical foundations on which the Islamic view of the media is based. It also looks at its functions as well as its role in the society. It reviews the Islamic historical experience in the development of media across fourteen centuries. The course also deals with Islamic features of the information system, and discusses the similarities and differences from other information systems.
This course tackles the prevailing media systems in the Arab world. Moreover, the course focuses on the important contemporary issues in the Arab world, such as freedom of expression, censorship, and so forth.
This course deals with the foundation and development of the most prominent Israeli media, which publish and broadcast in both Hebrew and Arabic (namely, newspapers, magazines, radios and television) ? both public and private. This course also sheds light upon the nature of the Israeli traditional and digital media system, and its internal and external propaganda devices.
The course deals with the reciprocal relationship between media and society in terms of strengthening social, political, economic, and cultural roles of media.
This course examines the status of the population in Palestine as a cornerstone of the development process in terms of building strategies and making plans for the future of the country. It looks at population needs, and how to monitor public opinion towards these needs, and media effects. It also deals with employing mass media for developing population concepts and social behavior.
This course provides students with an overview of the emergence of the Palestinian media and the development of its various branches, print press, radio and TV, and digital media at different stages of the history of the people at home and in Diaspora. The student will learn about the editorial policies of the various Palestinian media and the methods of managing them and recognizing the laws which they operate according to.
This course deals with the use of the media in the advancement of society and achieving that society?s developmental goals. Because of the spread of the means of communication and the growth of its impact, a lot of media research has focused on how to harness them in the development process. The focus of this course is thus the impact of communication in the development of communities leading to the emergence of media development. It also aims to provide different models and theories that explain the role of communication in the development process. In addition, it aims to review the outcome of research and the developing theories of media.
This course deals with the media map of the world and the problem of imbalance in the information disseminated at the international level. It also deals with the ownership of the world?s media - especially international news agencies, the way they work, and their impact, policies and objectives. The course addresses the concepts of important international media, such as the matter of ?international publicity? and ?new media system.?
This course deals with the methods and use of propaganda and its impact on the local, regional, and international public opinion. It sheds light on the modern historic use of propaganda, especially during the 1930s, the Cold War during the post Second World War era, and more recently, the Gulf War.
This course deals with methods of managing media institutes in terms of centralization and decentralization, strategic planning, performance timetable, and so forth. It also examines financial resources management and how to build a wide network of news sources. It aims at expanding audiences of the medium, focusing on the development of the human resources of the institute, and the formulation of its policies and its implementation techniques.
    • 10842101 or
    • 10841102
This course deals with Arabic grammar and the manners of forming the sentences and texts which are most current in the media. In this course students practice writing, criticism, and correction in writing the different media materials (journalistic, radio, and television).
The course also aims to clarify the role of sports media in raising the cultural level of society in the field of sports. In addition to the role of the Olympic Committee in developing and controlling the media and training students on writing sports related reports.
This course aims at engaging students in current media issues, such as the way media deals with terrorism, Islam, minorities, and so forth, in the context of developments in the global arena. Also, the course provides students with a chance for mental and professional training on how mass media deals with contemporary issues. It provides them with an opportunity to discuss such issues properly and to understand their background.
    • 10842203
This course introduces students to digital photography's equipment, devices and tools. Students will learn the fundamentals of using images as a tool of expression to convey messages. The course also teaches students how to properly critique photographs as it aims at developing their skills in sensing and criticizing digital media images.

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