جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Arabic Language & Literature
Duration: 24 Months (2 Years)
Degree Awarded: MSc
Student must complete None credit hours
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course studies conditions associated with the syntactic theory and how linguistic studies are related to both Arabic and other nations' languages. It takes a keen look at linguists’ methods in inducting the linguistic material. It will also study and observe the origins of syntax and the level it reached as a theory at the time of late scholars, before discussing the analogy its pillars, the factor theory and how syntactic analogy is related to logic. The course will also take into consideration the concept of listening and how it can be affected through different sources such as sources of claim, the Qur'an and its readings, poetry and the problems of poetic quotation. Furthermore, this course will come across the language of Arabs (in prose) e.g. the prophetic sayings, proverbs and unrhymed verse. This course takes into consideration the relation between classic Arabic and the various accents of Arabic prose and poetry styles, quantity and quality descriptions e.g. Littleness, rareness, irregularity, repulsiveness, eloquence and poorness of quality. Finally, this course will present views of late syntacticians and modern researchers in areas of the afore-mentioned issues. For example Sibaweyh, Farra, Ibn Jenni et al and those views that assimilate to a large extent those of founders of the syntactic theory that have been-re-studied by the founders of the afore mentioned theory. All that aims at discovering the relationship between the implicit origins found by pioneer scholars and the explicit origins reached by the later scholars.
This course studies all types of semantics including its different relationship with other sciences such semiotics, plus the spheres that semantics come under, e.g. concept, correlation, and how these are related to context. It also considers the individual semantics what has to do with domains and conjunctions side by side to correlations ranging from logic to inclusion, synonymy, antonym and all forms of lexical relation. A part of this course will study the relations between semantics and syntax, verbal language. What pronunciation means, subject making conditions on, assumption and insertion. Finally, this course studies how semantics is related to logic, including propositional logic, predicate logic, formal logic in addition to the conditional type of semantics.
This course surveys phonetics and phonology of Arabic in an advanced manner. The course assumes that the student (in his/her undergraduate studies) has learned the basics of this topic and therefore the course aims to build on this by looking at the following topics: The phonemic theory and various schools that considered this theory. The structural & non-structural phonemes of Arabic. Studying the structural phonemes of Arabic in descriptive and classifying wide-range manner. Studying the syllabic system of Arabic. Studying non-structural phonemes like accent intonation, and articulation. This course does consider the relation between the two phonemics and morphemics. For example, the course looks at the Morphophonemic stemming from the relations between phonemes and morphemes. Topics include: The mutual effects among phonemes inside linguistic structure. Aspects of phonological change that happens or might happen to certain sounds of Arabic during being close one to another inside some structural morphemic occurrences. The power theory in phonological traits and their impact on the structural phonological change procedure. Making alteration in Arabic an application in this sphere.
This course considers different rhetorical subjects from the point of view of modern criticism. It also aims at linking rhetorical issues to modern criticism curricula and providing certain visions about certain topics such as imagery, semiotic, stylistics and structuralism
This course studies the development of the modern Arabic Literature. Students will see how poetry has been affected by Arabic tradition and the Western literature. Various topics can be covered including the Renaissance school, Diwan school, or Apollo, or even free verse and any aspect of the free verse suh as legend or symbol what has to do with modern prose stopping at novels, drama and autobiography. Through following a certain topic or issue in a number of novels, plays, all the afore mentioned topics are studied in light of modern criticism theories.
This course observes the ancient Arabic Poetry movement during the Jahiliyya, Islamic and Umiyyad eras by seeing certain pieces of poetry taken from major original sources like the "Asmaiyyat" and "Mafdaliyyat". In addition to allocated poetry collection provided by that modern critical curricula and literary schools are taken into consideration. This course as well takes into consideration poetry in the ancient ages plus focusing on developments, impacts and changes that took place in the Arabic poem taking into consideration the multicultural impact on the development of the art of Arabic poetry.
This course deals with the major issues that affected or do affect the expansion of the Arabic language and its growth in the modern era. This includes the origin of colloquial language, how it emerged, the effects and the position of modern scholars from it and its future. This course will also seek the counter calls for reviving the classic Arabic and letting it be the means of our daily communication, obstacles of such calls, their possibility, and way of reinforcing them. This course further deals with the issue of making syntax easier, the applied and theoretical attempts of modern linguists or scholars, issues of arabicisation in clouding its different levels and finally the problem of scientific terminology. This includes the correct use of the terminology, unifying it, spreading it and developing it.
This course focuses on a number of specialised studies in literature and criticism that consider a certain topic chosen by the instructor, all that aims at training students at comparing and contrasting between types of studies which will eventually lead to mastering sound methodology in literary criticism.
A graduate student must pass a qualifying examination
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course aims to integrated Arabic students into the continuous development of linguistic studies. This course will study the differences in syntactic theory, those who established syntactic theory, its directions, modern linguistic theories and theories used by Arab syntacticans. This course finishes by looking at the origins established by De sasseuce, Chomsky and other authorities in modern linguistics. This course will allow the student to review the works by Sibaweih, Ibn-Jini et al and search differences between standard and descriptive studies in their primary and formal limits.
This course studies and analyses issues of verbal conjoint, antonym, synonymy and derivation. The journey of aranic language will be studied through examining the old and contemporary scholars, their writings and lexicons. This course further deals with the modern Arabic lexicon and the testing of old lexicons (their substance and method), the historical lexicon, meanings lexicon and finally lexicon for terminology.
This course looks at a variety of specialised studies to do with language and syntax, which embodies linguistic research, as supervised by the instructor.
This course studies a literary school and critical methods such as structuralism, stylistics and realism. It follows the way this school or method is reflected in modern criticism and reinforces the studying of certain Arabic theories. For example, the recounting theory, or even studying one of the modern literary criticism phenomena in some Arabic country, or studying the role that the literary eroticism journals have contributed in establishing pillars of the modern literary criticism such as the " Fusool Journal" or criticising novels.
This course captures the development of the Arabic prose throughout ages (from Jahiliyia up to modern times). It studies the Holy Qura'an and its impact. It also traces the development of prose by looking at other forms of various arts of prose such as Al- maqamah and Al-risalah or letters. Finally it looks at some of the accomplished works in this field along with the methods and subjects being used and tackled in this framework.
This course considers one of the topics that have to with the modern Arabic literature in Palestine through following up a certain topic like symbol, myth, tradition, or the Palestinian character all that through the Palestinian divans (poetry collections) plays, or autobiographies etc. This course affords students the opportunity to get to know some prominent Palestinian writers or poets like Gassan Kanafani, Mahmood Darweesh and Jabra Ibrahim Jabra.
This course aims to define comparative literature and the specialist schools of thought. It aims at studying various relations and the mutual effects between Arabic literature and other literatures. This course also shows students various related theories and literary terminology including a focus on applied studies.
Instructor of this course shall choose one scholar among many of Arabic language & literature who has strong impact on linguistic studies, Arabic literature or criticism (in old & modern times) provided that the chosen scholar is very strongly connected to the instructor’s specialization.

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