جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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We are seeking an experienced researcher to join a new British Academy funded project exploring young Palestinians’ responses to house demolitions between at An-Najah National University and the Centre for International Development at Northumbria University.

Building upon an emerging body of research in human geography, development studies, education and design the project aims to understand and explore young Palestinians’ every day, informal and cultural responses to demolitions, and how these contribute to their health and wellbeing, the formation of more inclusive and peaceful institutions, and building visions of development for Palestine that recognize specific historical and cultural context.

The project will run in partnership with international non-government organisations (INGOs) based in Palestine.

You will take a leading role in conducting real-world research with study participants to explore the themes identified above. This will entail using visual and participatory research methods and conducting research with young people, teachers and youth workers.

You will be responsible for important organisational and administrative roles in support of the project and will require strong communication skills along with knowledge and experience of relevant methodologies, preferably including participatory and narrative methods.

You will have a PhD (or be close to completing doctoral studies) in a related discipline. A Bachelors and/or Masters’ degree in these disciplines is desirable. The successful applicant must be able to occasionally spend time away visiting project partners for project meetings, running user studies, and attending national and international conferences.

Role Description

University:                  An-Najah University

Role Title:                   Post-doctoral Research Associate (PDRA)

            Grade:                         Grade 3

Category:                    Academic

Type:                          Fixed term full-time until December 2020.

Job Purpose:              Undertake collaborative research on the above project and make a significant contribution to the research profile of the University.


Responsible to:           Dr.Sanaa Alsarghali

Responsibilities for the PDRA to include:

Co-ordination and Administration

  • Fortnightly updates to Co-I Affoni, and Co-I Barham on fieldwork progress
  • Contributing to online quarterly Advisory Board meetings
  • Liaison with Northumbria University researchers and project partners
  • Establishing and maintaining youth advisory board meetings

Research Fieldwork and Analysis

  • Interdisciplinary literature review and synthesis
  • Ethnographic observation and participation with youth organisations and schools in Palestine.
  • Interviews with key stakeholders and school staff
  • Secure storage and sharing of data with partners
  • Contribute in-depth knowledge and understanding to the development of creative packs for young people.
  • Two lots of week-long visits to Northumbria University in the UK
  • Organising and delivering weekly research sessions with young people in two areas of Palestine (urban area /rural area)
  • Collecting and processing data returns including photographing materials and objects made by young people
  • Transcription, anonymisation, translation and qualitative analysis of data
  • Working with team to present and discuss findings with young people


  • Creating podcasts from project team and young people to include on website
  • Presentation of findings at one conference
  • Co-develop and test policy and practice resources
  • Co-organising young people’s conference
  • Co-author of additional journal articles, conference papers, policy briefings and notes
  • Completing four project updates for the website

PDRA Job Specification

E – Essential

D – Desirable


Experience of working with youth agencies and/or wider civil society actors in Palestine


Experience of conducting research with young people


Competence in qualitative research methods


Experience of conducting participatory research


Experience of conducting independent research/practice


Ability to work independently and as part of a team


Understanding of the political sensitivities and risks associated with research with young people


Understanding of the complexities of working in and conducting research in Palestine


Flexibility and adaptability to respond to changes in young people’s availability to participate


Excellent written and spoken Arabic and English


Excellent facilitation and communication skills


Excellent organisational skills


An understanding of policy and/or scholarly debates around young people and their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals


Interest and potential in producing high quality research outputs


Please email your CV and a cover letter  no later than  12th  of November to :

[email protected]

and please cc:

[email protected]

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