جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University's E-Learning Centre proudly announces the successful renewal of its ISO 9001:2015 certification, affirming its dedication to delivering exceptional educational services. The rigorous audit, conducted by the Global Group, underscores the centre's adherence to international quality standards.

Dr. Mohammad Yassin, Director of the E-Learning Centre, expressed gratitude to An-Najah University's administration, particularly President Prof. Abdel Nasser Zaid, for their steadfast support of e-learning initiatives. He also extended appreciation to Dr. Nidal Dwaikat, Vice President for Planning, Development and Quality, and Eng. Rafat Kittaneh, Director of the Institutional Research Unit, for their meticulous oversight during the certification process.
Highlighting the collaborative effort, Dr. Yassin acknowledged the dedicated E-Learning Centre team for their meticulous preparation, ensuring a smooth audit process. Special recognition was given to Eng. Shireen Al-Sayed, Director of GCL Palestine (Global Certification Palestine - GCP), for her guidance and support.
Eng. Al-Sayed commended the university's integrated approach and emphasized significant advancements in application processes at the centre. These include enhanced context analysis, robust risk management, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Notably, the audit revealed no non-conformities, underscoring the centre's operational excellence.
The E-Learning Centre serves a diverse community, both within and beyond the university, ensuring all procedures adhere to stringent international quality standards. Moving forward, the centre remains committed to setting new strategic objectives, leveraging global advancements, and enhancing service delivery through comprehensive risk assessment and continuous improvement.

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