جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University has been recognized for its exceptional humanities research published in the prestigious Scopus database. The University has long been committed to academic excellence and innovation, and this recognition is a testament to its ongoing efforts in these areas.

It continues to maintain its position as a leader among Palestinian universities in all fields of scientific research, particularly in the humanities. In the academic year 2022, five distinguished researchers in different disciplines published 59 research papers in the Scopus database. Dr. Fayez Mahamid led the list with 15 publications, followed by Dr. Bilal Hamamra with 14, and Ms. Dana Badir with 12, Mr. Zuhair Khalif and Dr. Suhail Saleh also made significant contributions with 10 and 8 publications respectively.

Scopus is a respected international database that indexes high-quality scientific and academic research across various disciplines. The University has been featured in Scopus's list of top publishers for several years, which highlights the quality and quantity of research output.

The University's humanities research covers a wide range of topics, including, psychology, language, literature, philosophy, teaching methods, technology education, and educational curriculum. The research is conducted by highly qualified researchers, professors, and graduate students who are committed to advancing knowledge and contributing to the betterment of society.

The University's President, Prof. Abdel Nasser Zaid, expressed his pride and satisfaction with this recognition, stating that it is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of the University's faculty and researchers. He emphasized on the University's commitment to academic excellence, innovation, and research that serves the needs of society.

The recognition of An-Najah's humanities research in the Scopus database is a significant achievement, and it underscores the University's position as a leading institution in the region.

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