جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University has kicked off preparatory training sessions for medical faculty members, equipping them with skills for virtual training technology. This initiative, accomplished in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, takes place at the Virtual Reality Research Center within the Scientific Centers. The training utilizes the state-of-the-art META QUEST 3 headset, showcasing the forefront of virtual and augmented reality technology.

Professor Allam Mousa, Director of the Virtual Reality Research Center at the Scientific Centers, affirmed that this historic step represents the beginning of transforming the conventional method of medical training in Palestine. Due to the close partnership between the Virtual Reality Research Center at the Scientific Centers and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, students can now engage in practical training, benefiting from lifelike simulations and precise clinical case studies. 

Additionally, Professor Mousa highlighted the commencement of authentic and effective partnerships with international companies specializing in virtual reality software. These collaborations will focus on evolving and enriching virtual programs to align with the university's specific applications and needs.

Dr. Khalil Issa, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university, elucidated that the faculty’s objective through this innovative project is to elevate the standard of medical education and expand students' expertise in addressing modern medical challenges. With the continuation of this effective partnership with the Virtual Reality Research Center, there is anticipation for a promising and bright future in the field of medicine and health sciences in Palestine. An-Najah National University, through its pioneering role, is shaping modern higher education policy and restructuring it in line with global trends.

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