جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On April 25, 2023, An-Najah National University and the International Hellenic University in Greece signed a joint cooperation agreement to advance collaboration in academic and research fields.

The agreement includes joint submission of academic projects, the establishment of postgraduate programs, research projects through partnerships, and joint research groups to apply for European Union programs. The partnership also aims to facilitate student and academic exchange and secure necessary funding opportunities through projects.

Prof. Saed Al-Khayyat, Director of the International Grants and Projects Center at the University, represented the University in signing the agreement, while Prof. Stamatis Angelopoulos, President of the Hellenic University, signed on behalf of their institution.

Prof. Al-Khayyat stated that the agreement aligns with An-Najah National University's ongoing commitment to international cooperation, particularly with universities in Europe and the Euro-Mediterranean region, in order to stay abreast of the latest developments in higher and technological education. Current European education directives prioritize reducing unemployment rates by supporting and developing technical and vocational education and education supported by Industry 4.0 technologies, which the University administration is eager to adopt to maintain its leading position among local, Arab, and international universities.

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