جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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As the world is fighting climate change and exploring alternative ways to ‎generate energy, An-Najah National University (ANNU) is prioritizing the use ‎of renewable energy for generating electricity for its buildings and classrooms ‎as part of its sustainable campus initiatives. The University considers Solar ‎Energy and Sustainable building for its mission towards sustainable campus. The Med-EcoSuRe project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme, offers an innovative approach to ‎the definition and diffusion of cost-effective energy renovation within ‎university buildings.‎

Through the Energy Research Center at the University, partner of Med-‎EcoSuRe project , a photovoltaic solar plant was implemented on the roof top ‎of some of the University's buildings with a capacity of 165 kW. ‎

The University will benefit from this project by reducing the emissions by ‎around 330 ton of CO2 per year and reducing the University electricity bill by ‎‎357 MWh per year. Also, the project will result in reducing the use of diesel ‎fuel during the long hours of electricity cuts to provide better services to its ‎students and staff.‎

Through such pioneering projects, the Med-EcoSuRe project's partners and ‎ANNU have jointly helped update and change the Palestinian higher education ‎institutions' policies for Sustainable Development and renewable energy.‎

The University now has a plan to depend on solar energy by covering at least ‎‎80% of the total energy consumption, noting that the rate at the present time ‎has reached 30-40%, and this contributed to saving on the University high ‎electricity bill.‎

Please watch the video summary of our PV project installation ‎

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