جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Sunday, December 23, 2018, the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center (UPDRRC) of An-Najah National University in coordination with Nablus Municipality held a workshop with all concerned institutions and stakeholders about the data base and the results of the scorecard for Nablus.

The workshop aims to discuss and present the results of the data base, the shortcomings and gaps, the importance of having a single source for data base, the need to create a data base on the local level and at the end integrate it with the data base on the national level. In addition to the importance of having a national team.

The workshop covered the following main topics: summary and update on UNISDR Initiative, disaster loss collection in Nablus for the last 30 years, the future needs connected to Disaster loss data base, recommendations about the disaster loss data base.

The first session of the workshop was inaugurated by Professor Jalal Dabbeek, Director of Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Centre at ‎the University, ‎and included the following: quick presentation on the project components, the transition from Hugo frame work to Sendia Frame work for DRR, the main objectives of Sendai Frame work for DRR and its ten essentials and the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, the importance in the investment in the DRR, the need to improve the level of response to disasters, the importance of analyzing the results of the scorecard to feed in the action plan, and the need to have a data base.

Dr. Amal Hudhud, Representative of the municipality of Nablus talked about loss collection in Nablus for the last 30 years, and covered the following: the importance of having a disaster loss data base, the types of disaster losses collected, the challenges, the sources of the information and who shared in the data collection, and the results and the conclusions.

Eng. Abdelhakeem talked about the future needs connected to Disaster loss data base with an open discussion and input from all participants and covered the following: the need to have a single source and a certain team or party to take the lead and responsibility of the disaster loss data base, the importance of having an accessibility to the information, the need of continuous updates for the info, the continuous feedback form all stakeholders, and the need for connection and coordination on the national level as well as the regional and international levels in the future. 

The first session was concluded with open and fruitful discussions, sharing opinions and ideas between all participants, and the recommendations of this session can be summarized as follows:  given the project covers Nablus city and knowing that the Municipality is taking care of many services and actions connected to the services of the city, including the dealing with the distress, it was agreed that the municipality is the candidate to host the disaster loss data base by creating a unit to be responsible for the data base.

Furthermore, the participants recommended to maintain exposure and coordination with others in the region to benefit from their experience, the need to adopt a security system to protect the data base, and involve as much as possible of concerned institutions including civil society, private sector as well as the relevant ministries and national institutions like the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology and the National Committee for DRR that could be a major support and advice.

The second session of the workshop focused on the scorecard results, which were presented by Engineer Abdelhakeem, covering the results of all 118 indicators. It also included discussions about the plans for the coming period.


As part of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk (UNISDR) initiative, supported by the European Commission which includes engaging 20 cities worldwide in an initiative entitled “Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient by Implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 which will be done by applying the disaster resilience scorecard detailed level assessment, with the purposes of identifying and understanding current and future risks, as well as challenges and gaps in DRR at the local level.

Nablus City was of the 20 cities and one of the four cities in the Arab Region. The Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center UPDRRC of An-Najah National University which was contracted and supported by UNISDR to conduct the project. To proceed further, the UPDRRC conducted three-day training workshop to implement the detailed level assessment on the Disaster Resilience Scorecard on 5, 6 and 13 September, 2018, as well as several mini workshops and discussions have been conducted before and after. The trainees were representatives of the different stakeholder institutions of the city who are involved and concerned in Disaster Risk Reduction and activities towards resilient Nablus.


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