جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Major Mathematics -Minor Education
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Student must complete 124 credit hours

University Requirements Student must complete 19 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This is a three-hour non-credited English course offered to students who score poorly (i.e. below 50%) on the placement test. Since the major concern of this course is to improve the students? proficiency before starting their ordinary university English basic courses and major courses taught in English, special emphasis has been placed on enhancing the students? ability to effectively acquire the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specifically, the course attempts to ensure an academically acceptable performance on the part of the students at the level of the English basic courses. Moreover, the course aims at expanding students? vocabulary needed for various tasks.
This course aims to establish the concept of Islamic culture and its position among the other international cultures, its position in the Muslim life, its sources, its bases and its characteristics. It also aims to introduce the Islamic culture in faith, worship, relations, morals, and knowledge, to discuss the clash between cultures in addition to Globalization, Human Rights, Woman Rights, Democracy and other contemporary issues.
This course aims to improve the level of students in language skills and various literary, read and absorb and express written, and oral and tasted literary, through texts flags authors and poets in different eras, lessons in grammar and spelling, and brief definition months dictionaries and Arab old ones the modern and how to use them. This course aims to implement the Arabic language in the areas of reading and expression of both types oral and written communication.
This is a three credit-hour university-required English language course designed for students who need to work on the four skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of vocabulary and skills of comprehension are integral parts of the course. In addition, various reading strategies (making predictions, identifying main ideas, reading for details, relating information in the text to life experience) are introduced and developed through a wide range of topics for reading and writing. The course encourages a more analytical and independent approach to study and helps prepare the students for any subsequent exam preparation.
The course is mandatory for university students from various disciplines, so it does provide students with knowledge and `information about the Palestinian reality and in particular the political developments of the Palestinian cause since its inception until the present day in line social and economic developments and political which constitute the main pillars for the study of the Palestinian political reality. This course aims to study Palestinian issue from its begging until present day in social, economic and political issue.
11000108 Community Service 1
11000117 Leadership and Communication Skills 1
11000126 Introduction to Computer Science and Skills 2
11000328 English Language II 3

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 69 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course covers the concepts of function, inverse function, models, limits, continuity and derivatives, the differentiation rules and their applications, related rates, linear approximation, and hyperbolic functions. The mean value theorem, indeterminate forms, L' Hospital's rule, curve sketching, and optimization problems.
    • 10211101
Definite and Indefinite integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Applications of integration (Areas and volumes), Average Value of a Function. Techniques of Integration (Integration by parts, Trigonometric Integrals, Trigonometric Substitution, Integration by Partial Fractions, Improper Integrals). Applications of integration (Arc Length, Area of a Surface). Infinite sequences and series (The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums, The Comparison Tests, Alternating Series, Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests, Power Series, Taylor and Maclaurin Series)
    • 10211102
Topics covered in this course include: parametric equations and polar coordinates; vectors in R2 and R3 & surfaces; vector-valued functions; partial differentiation with applications; multiple integrals.
    • 10211102
    • 10211201 or
    • 10221102
Classifying and solving 1st order ODEs, solving homogeneous and non-homogeneous 2nd and higher order linear ODEs, power series and Laplace transforms Methods to solve linear ODEs, solving 2nd order Cauchy-Euler ODEs, solving systems of linear 1st-order ODEs in 2 or 3 variables using Eigenvalues- Eigenvectors as well as Laplace transforms.
    • 10211101
Topics covered in this course include: logic and proofs; set theory, relations and functions; cardinality and examples on mathematical structures.
    • 10211211
Topics covered in this course include: properties of real numbers; open and closed sets; sequences; limits and continuity; differentiation; Riemann integral.
    • 10211102
Introducing a mathematical software with applications through giving a background and fundamentals of programming; flowcharts, algorithms, types of data, control statements, dimensions, functions, subroutines and graphing.
    • 10211102 or
    • 10211211
Matrices and matrix operations. Elementary row operations. Determinants and inverses of matrices. Systems of linear equations and methods of solutions. Vector spaces. Linear independence and basis. Linear transformations. Eigen values and eigenvectors.
    • 10211211
Groups, subgroups, symmetric groups, cyclic groups and order of an element, isomorphisms, cosets, and Lagrange's Theorem. Normal subgroups, factor groups, homomorphisms, fundamental theorem of finite Abelian groups.
    • 10211202 or
    • 10211203
Topics covered in this course include: the formation of a partial differential equation; methods of solutions of first order linear and nonlinear partial differential equations; methods of solutions of second order linear and nonlinear partial differential equations; Fourier series and transforms; wave equation, Laplace?s equation, potential equation, equation of an infinite wire, heat equation.
    • 10211212
Topics covered in this course include: properties of complex numbers; complex functions, derivatives and Cauchy-Riemann equations; elementary functions and elementary transformations; complex integrals, residue theorem and improper integrals; power series.
    • 10211220
    • 10211241
Topics covered in this course include: numbers, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number systems; floating point arithmetic, Errors, sources and types; solving nonlinear equations, direct and indirect methods in solving systems of linear equations, solving systems of nonlinear equations; approximation and interpolations, numerical integration.
    • 10211241
Topics covered in this course include: problem formulation; graphic solution; simplex method; duality theorem; linear sensitivity analysis and algebraic representation; transportation and assignment problems; network (PERT and CPM); game theory.
    • 10211211
Topics covered in this course include: divisibility and prime numbers; Chinese remainder theorem; congruence; Euler's theorem, Fermat?s theorem, Wilson?s theorem; linear congruence: congruent and non-congruent solutions; arithmetic functions; special numbers: perfect, deficient abundant and Mersenne numbers.
    • 10211212
This course covers topological spaces, basis and sub-basis; functions and homomorphism; separation and countability axioms; connectedness and compactness; Hausdorff space, metric spaces and product spaces.
    • 10211211
Topics covered in this course include: Euclid?s axioms; incidence geometry; Hilbert?s postulates; absolute geometry; hyperbolic geometry; Riemann geometry; metric and non-metric geometric transformations.
This course involves discussion of characteristics of scientific thinking and its relationship with scientific research; it requires students to conduct a research on a specific topic in mathematics, and to deliver it and represent this research in a seminar for evaluation.
Classifying and describing data, Measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, measures of position, the definition of probability and its properties, counting rules, discrete and continuous random variables, the binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, the normal distribution and applications, sampling distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing for one population mean.
    • 10216201
Sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing for one population mean, one population proportion, the difference between two means, and the difference between two proportions, simple linear regression, and correlation, one-way and two-way analysis of variance, chi-square tests, nonparametric methods, applications using statistical packages such as Minitab, SPSS, or R.
    • 10211201
Random experiments and events, basic probability rules, discrete and continuous random variables, the probability density function and cumulative distribution function for one and two random variables, mathematical expectation, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and percentiles, moments and moment-generating functions, conditional probability distributions, correlation coefficient, stochastically independent random variables, some special distributions; binomial, negative-binomial, gamma and normal distributions, transformation method.
This course covers the following topics: motion in one and more dimensions, the laws of motion with an application of Newton?s laws, vector quantities, work and mechanical energy, linear momentum and collisions, and rotational dynamics
    • 10221101
This course is a study of the following topics: electric charges; forces and fields; electric potential and electric potential energy; electrical capacitance electric elements like capacitors, resistors, and conductors; electric current and direct-current circuits; magnetic fields; magnetic force; induction; and RC and RL circuits.
    • 10221105 or
    • 10221101
In this lab., experiments related to mechanics mostly covered in general physics I (10221101) are performed. This includes -Measurements -Vectors. -Acceleration on an inclined plane. -The speed of sound in air -Viscosity -Newton?s second law -Conservation of energy and momentum -Rotational dynamics -Simple harmonic motion. -Boyle?s law.
A compulsory 3-lecture course that is mainly designed to give students a knowledge of the most important chemical principles such as atomic structure and periodic table, mass relationships in chemical reactions, reactions in aqueous solutions, gases, thermo chemistry, quantum theory and the electronic structure of atoms, periodic relationships among the atoms, basic concepts of chemical bonding, molecular geometry and hybridization of atomic orbitals.
    • 10231101
A compulsory practical course, designed to introduce the students to various experimental practices used in general chemistry, such as accurate weighing, performing basic chemical methods such as filtration, titration and gravimetric analysis, make simple metathesis and redox reactions, calorimetry experiments and calculations.

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 9 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
    • 10211203
Frobenius method in solving 2nd-order ODEs around regular singular points, Definitions, properties and applications of Special functions such as: Beat and Gamma, Bessel's, Legendre, Chebyshev, Hermite, Laguerre & Hypergeometric functions
    • 10211201
Topics covered in this course include: vector algebra, vector products, vectors and scalar fields; the gradient, divergence and curl theorems; line, surface and volume integrals, related theorems; curvilinear coordinates
    • 10211212
Topics covered in this course include: metric spaces; Riemann-Stetitges integral; functions of bounded variations; sequences and series of functions.
    • 10211201
Topics covered in this course include: coordinate systems; functions of several variables, parametric representations of curves and surfaces, transformations of regions; derivatives and directional derivatives; implicit functions, Jacobians and related theorems; extreme; multiple integrals and related theorems.
    • 10211220
    • 10211241
Topics covered in this course include: mathematical modeling; using some software packages in mathematics and statistics; NETLIB, NAG, Derive, Mathematica, MATLAB, BLAS, Maple, MathCAD, SPSS, Minitab.
    • 10211241
Topics covered in this course include: introduction to operation research; inventory models, queuing models; game theory; Markov chains; case studies.
    • 10211242
Examples and basic properties of rings, integral domains and fields, ideal and factor rings, homomorphisms. Polynomials, factorization of polynomials over a field, factor rings of polynomials over a field. Irreducible and unique factorization, principal ideal domains. Extension fields.
    • 10216302
Review for the probability density functions for one random variable or more, distribution of functions of random variables, t-distribution, F-distribution, order statistics, estimation, , efficient and maximum likelihood estimation, confidence intervals, testing statistical hypotheses: best test, uniformly most powerful test, likelihood ratio test, sufficient and complete statistics, the Rao-Blackwell theorem and Rao-Cramir inequality.
    • 10216202
Topics covered include: properties of estimators, properties of hypothesis tests, nonparametric tests for location and scale, the sign test, McNemar's test, methods based on ranks, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, Friedman test, and Kolmogorov goodness of fit test.
Explores the world of entrepreneurship and creativity by examining the processes and techniques used to develop ideas and turn them into successful projects. The course includes understanding the foundations of entrepreneurship and the stages of emerging business development, in addition to analyzing the factors that affect the success of entrepreneurial projects and enhancing creativity in various fields.

Sub-specialty Requirements Student must complete 21 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
10511322 Methods of Teaching Mathematics 1 3
This course introduces the scientific bases of managing the classroom, and the roles which the teacher plays in there, focusing on the functional and practical aspects. It also deals with the psychological bases on which a classroom is run, through looking into the different psychological theories which help both the teacher and the student achieve their goals , by way of providing the emotional and social atmosphere that encourages learning and delivering scientific expertise and directing them. This course also aims at making this field a practical science where theories are turned into classroom functions.
This course describes the educational psychology with its relation to the knowledge of general psychology, the method of applying the concepts of behaviorism and cognitive in the teaching process that facilitates the learning process, the appropriate atmosphere to the teaching process happen, the teaching of children with disabilities and learning disabilities, as well teaching gifted students, how to complete the teaching process, and its measurement.
The course aims at introducing students to evaluation; its development, aims, and various evaluative methods of selection standards. It also includes different types of tests -constructing them and analyzing them, and how to evaluate students? educational achievement based on the results obtained.
This course begins with a description of the theoretical framework of audio visual educational aids in term of concept, importance characteristics, criteria for use, foundations of their design and production. The course then addresses the concept of the communication process and its elements. The course concludes with design and production of educational aids, by students, in their specialization in harmony with its theoretical framework. Students are expected to make use of modern technology in their design and production of these aids.
10513395 Practicum (1) for Math. Students 3
10513495 Practicum (2) for Math. Students 3

Sub-specialty Optional Requirements Student must complete 6 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course describes the historical evolution of computer use in education, the international experiences of this usage, the computer programming languages in education, the advantages of the computer in education, and the various applications in both the administrative and educational fields. It also focuses on using the internet to support the process of learning and education. Other topics include: assessing the global sources of information, collaborative learning environment on the internet, searching and restoring of the information. Practically, it aims at providing the students with the necessary skills to help them in designing and producing educational multimedia software based on the teaching design principles. The produced software includes patterns of the known software, like exercise and practice, tutorial, simulation, educational games, dialogue using the authorial tools such as PowerPoint, Photo Story 3 for Windows, or Movie Maker
This course deals with the concept of active learning in terms of the definition, objectives, basics, characteristics, nature, importance and components. It also addresses the suitable classroom environment for active learning and its pontifications in learning, the strategies and models of active learning( oriented lectures, brainstorming, discovery, problem solving, active group discussion, role playing, acting, story, simulation and case study), teacher?s role in active learning, active learning outside the classroom, active learning and effective thinking, the challenges of active learning, as well as the field applications on the active learning in different fields of study.
The course includes designing daily lessons and identifying related cognitive, emotional and psychomotor concepts and determining activities, methods, evaluation and acknowledging teaching design in applied and social sciences. It also includes introducing students to tasks that the teacher implements in designing and planning.
This course aims to introduce psychological counseling in terms of: objectives, methods, presuppositions, principles, theories, fields, approaches, and the means of data collection. It also discusses the process of counseling, guidance and psychological counseling programs in the schools, some students? school problems (including absences, lack of motivation, school violence, test anxiety), and the counselor?s role in dealing with these problems).

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