جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
financial & Banking Sciences
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Student must complete 130 credit hours

University Requirements Student must complete 19 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This is a three-hour non-credited English course offered to students who score poorly (i.e. below 50%) on the placement test. Since the major concern of this course is to improve the students? proficiency before starting their ordinary university English basic courses and major courses taught in English, special emphasis has been placed on enhancing the students? ability to effectively acquire the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specifically, the course attempts to ensure an academically acceptable performance on the part of the students at the level of the English basic courses. Moreover, the course aims at expanding students? vocabulary needed for various tasks.
This course aims to establish the concept of Islamic culture and its position among the other international cultures, its position in the Muslim life, its sources, its bases and its characteristics. It also aims to introduce the Islamic culture in faith, worship, relations, morals, and knowledge, to discuss the clash between cultures in addition to Globalization, Human Rights, Woman Rights, Democracy and other contemporary issues.
This course aims to improve the level of students in language skills and various literary, read and absorb and express written, and oral and tasted literary, through texts flags authors and poets in different eras, lessons in grammar and spelling, and brief definition months dictionaries and Arab old ones the modern and how to use them. This course aims to implement the Arabic language in the areas of reading and expression of both types oral and written communication.
This is a three credit-hour university-required English language course designed for students who need to work on the four skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of vocabulary and skills of comprehension are integral parts of the course. In addition, various reading strategies (making predictions, identifying main ideas, reading for details, relating information in the text to life experience) are introduced and developed through a wide range of topics for reading and writing. The course encourages a more analytical and independent approach to study and helps prepare the students for any subsequent exam preparation.
The course is mandatory for university students from various disciplines, so it does provide students with knowledge and `information about the Palestinian reality and in particular the political developments of the Palestinian cause since its inception until the present day in line social and economic developments and political which constitute the main pillars for the study of the Palestinian political reality. This course aims to study Palestinian issue from its begging until present day in social, economic and political issue.
11000108 Community Service 1
11000117 Leadership and Communication Skills 1
11000126 Introduction to Computer Science and Skills 2
11000325 English Language II 3

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 93 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course includes number sets, equations, inequalities, functions, the derivative, applications of the derivative, integration, applications of integration, Partial differentiation, Matrices and linear systems, and linear programming
Principles of Microeconomics is a course that focuses on the economic behavior of individuals and firms and how they make economic decisions. The course covers topics such as the theory of supply and demand, price elasticity, consumer theory, producer theory, different market structures, and the interaction between firms and consumers in markets. The goal of the course is to understand how resources are efficiently allocated and how government policies impact the microeconomy.
    • 10801111
Principles of Macroeconomics is a course that studies the overall economic performance of a country or the economy as a whole. The course covers topics such as economic growth, inflation, unemployment, and fiscal and monetary policies. The goal of the course is to understand how the macroeconomy operates and how government policies impact key economic indicators
10801113 Statistics in Business 1 3
is a fundamental course that explain the basics of Financial accounting. The course starts by discussing the definition of accounting and its basic principles, assumptions and standards. The Course then explains in details the steps in the accounting cycle including: transaction analysis, journalizing and posting, trial balance, adjusting entries, adjusted trial balance, financial statements, closing process. The course also takes a further step and explains the accounting process in merchandising companies by discussing the two inventory systems (Perpetual and periodic).
    • 10861111
This is a continuation of the course accounting principle 1 (10861111). While accounting principle one is too general, this course starts to discuss specific issues. The main objective of this course is to illustrate the accounting treatment for certain items, such as: inventories, cash, receivables, property plant and equipment. The main objective of this course is to improve the student?s knowledge and understanding regarding the accounting treatment of some items and gain intellectual and practical skills related. As for Knowledge and Understanding, the students should be able to: ? Determine the cost of inventory and COGS using LIFO, FIFO and Weighted average in a perpetual and periodic inventory system. ? Account for cash shortage and overage. ? prepare a bank reconciliation. ? Account for receivables. ? Account for plant assets, natural resources and intangible ? Introduce current liabilities.
This course includes an introduction to the science of management and its stages of development through a presentation of the most prominent schools, ideas, and modern approaches. This course addresses the characteristics of management and some of its various functions (planning, organization, leadership), as well as the most prominent administrative skills and roles necessary to practice administrative work.
    • 10871121
This course is designed to equip students with essential skills and tools for conducting rigorous scientific research within the realm of business sciences, with a particular focus on finance. Throughout this course, students will delve into fundamental principles of scientific inquiry applied specifically to studies in finance. Emphasis will be placed on critical aspects of research methodology, including sample selection techniques, research design, data collection methods, and advanced data analysis techniques for hypothesis testing. By the conclusion of this course, students will develop proficiency in independent research and report writing tailored to the demands of financial studies. They will gain practical expertise in navigating the intricacies of scientific investigation within financial contexts, fostering the capability to formulate and execute research projects autonomously.
Topics treated in this course include definition of the time value of money, relationship between return and risk, appropriate financing foundations for companies, ways of measuring risks and their types, profit polices of companies, cost of capital, and optimal capital structure.
    • 10871121
This course is a study of the role of financial management in projects, functions of financial management, profit ability planning, financial planning, financial analysis, use of financial percentages, management of working capital, management of current assets, management of short-term financing sources, stock exchanges, and management of long-term financing sources (shares and bonds).
    • 10886116 or
    • 10871213
The Course is an application of the students' theoretical studies on computers. The concentration will be on: qualitative materials, analytical developments in security selection, portfolio performance evaluation, investment analysis and the time-value of money. For these aspects to be analysed, the Course will utilise various computer programmes, especially Excel.
    • 10871121
This course aims to introduce the student to the concept of the financial market and the efficient financial market premise, and give students a general understanding of the different financial markets and institutions. The financial assets traded in these markets, the financial services and instruments these institutions offer, and the mechanisms and characteristics influencing the value of these assets and instruments will also be discussed.
. This course includes an introduction to the importance of financial statements for financial analysis and planning, to evaluate the company?s financial performance, and to treat any existing weaknesses. In addition this course covers the definition of financial ratios and their uses in financial analysis
    • 10886116 or
    • 10871213
This course aims to familiarize the student with the banking system: types of banks, business of commercial banks, creation of money, sources of financing of commercial banks, various aspects of employment "direct credit facilities", analysis of the commercial bank budget, internal regulation of the commercial bank, the central bank and its relationship with commercial banks and specialized lending institutions. The difference between commercial banks and Islamic banks.
    • 10871121
The course aims to familiarize the student with the types of risk in different insurance companies and methods of treating it, in addition to studying the different types of insurance, calculating premiums, and studying the sources and uses of funds in insurance companies.
    • 10871411
In this course, students will delve into fundamental strategies and methodologies essential for assessing the true value of a company. This course is designed to enhance students' analytical capabilities in deciphering critical company data and determining its intrinsic value. Through a comprehensive exploration of various valuation techniques and approaches, students will gain expertise in distinguishing between value creation and destruction, enabling them to select the most suitable valuation approach based on specific contexts. Key topics covered in this course include company and equity valuation fundamentals, as well as the intricacies of corporate real options. Moreover, students will explore pivotal valuation concepts pertinent to mergers and acquisitions (M&A), initial public offerings (IPOs), and bankruptcy proceedings. The course adopts a practical approach, emphasizing real-world applications through immersive case studies. By engaging with these case studies, students will cultivate a nuanced understanding of how different valuation theories and tools are applied in professional settings. Upon completion of this course, students will possess advanced skills in business valuation, equipping them with the proficiency to navigate complex financial scenarios and make informed strategic decisions in corporate finance and investment analysis.
    • 10886116 or
    • 10871213
The aim of this course is to familiarize itself with the concept of investment and its operations, the types of investors and financial institutions, the types of securities and financial markets and the business dealings in the financial markets. and long-term investment decisions with the use of time value calculations for money, valuation of stocks, bonds, derivatives, financial indicators, diversification of the investment portfolio, yield accounts, risk and systemic risk assessment, Technical and basic analysis of local and foreign companies in the form of study cases will also be carried out through this course.
    • 10871121
This course aims to study the features of the Islamic economy and the working mechanism of the Islamic economy, in addition to studying the financing methods in Islamic banks such as Mudaraba, Musharaka, Tawarruq, Sukuk, and others.
    • 10871121
Introduction to FinTech is a comprehensive course designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of Financial Technology (FinTech) and its impact on the modern financial landscape. The course explores the intersection of finance and technology, covering key concepts, innovations, and trends shaping the FinTech industry. Through theoretical discussions, practical applications, case studies, and guest lectures, students will gain insights into how FinTech is disrupting traditional financial services, fostering innovation, and driving change.
    • 10871309
This course examines the tools and methods of financial analysis, as a basis for objective analysis and targeted discussion of the items of different financial lists, as well as the relationships between the different items of these lists. and comparing them with specific historical and stereotypical standards. This is in order to judge the adequacy of the project's management and its short-term and long-term financial position. The main objectives of the course are to develop an understanding of financial statements analysis. Introduce the concept of financial statements analysis from the managers perspective, the investors and the financial analysts perspective. Develop an understanding of financial statements analysis tools. Introduce the concepts of financial statements analysis and their application in business management and in investment. Develop an analytical approach to financial statements and the financial reporting environment.
    • 10871213
This course focuses on the study of international financial institutions and the international investment architecture in the context of the globalization of the economy, and its impact on the performance of the national economy through the availability of external financing, its impact on economic development, exchange rates and its relationship to macroeconomic variables, especially the balance of payments. It also focuses on local economic enterprises, financing methods obtained from local and international banks, and how companies perform their assets and liabilities in the short and long term.
    • 10871213
This course delves into advanced topics crucial for effective financial decision-making within organizations. This course provides an in-depth analysis of key concepts including dividend policies, cost of capital, capital structure optimization, project valuation techniques, and risk assessment in project evaluation. Students will explore the complexities of dividend policy determinants, understanding how corporate decisions impact shareholder wealth. The course will also delve into the intricacies of cost of capital, examining the blend of equity and debt financing that minimizes the firm's overall cost of funding. Furthermore, students will analyze capital structure theories to optimize financial leverage and explore various methods for project valuation, including discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. Emphasis will be placed on risk assessment techniques within project evaluation frameworks, equipping students with the tools to quantify and mitigate project-specific risks. Through a combination of theoretical lectures and practical case studies, students will develop critical thinking skills and financial modeling expertise essential for effective financial management in diverse organizational contexts. Upon completion of this course, students will possess a comprehensive understanding of advanced financial management principles, empowering them to navigate complex financial challenges and contribute strategically to organizational success.
    • 10871320
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices involved in managing investment portfolios. Through a combination of theoretical frameworks, practical applications, and case studies, students will explore topics such as asset allocation, security selection, risk management, performance evaluation, and ethical considerations in portfolio management. The course will equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to construct, analyze, and optimize investment portfolios in various market conditions.
Financial econometrics is the application of statistical methods to financial market data. Areas of study include capital markets, financial institutions, corporate finance and corporate governance. Topics often revolve around asset valuation of individual stocks, bonds, derivatives, currencies and other financial instruments. It differs from other forms of econometrics because the emphasis is usually on analyzing the prices of financial assets traded at competitive, liquid markets. To work in the finance industry or research the finance sector, the focus is on using econometric techniques in a range of activities, in support of portfolio management and in the valuation of securities. It is considered essential for risk management when it is important to know how often 'bad' investment outcomes are expected to occur over future days, weeks, months and years.
    • 10871310
the course provides an overview of methods for planning and monitoring financial activities within organizations. It focuses on developing skills in financial planning, capital management, financial performance analysis, and the implementation of financial controls and policies. The aim is to equip students with the necessary tools to make strategic financial decisions and ensure compliance with financial standards and regulations
    • 10871111
Through this course, the student is trained to prepare a scientific research plan and implement this plan by carrying out research work under the supervision of the department's teachers. This research is then discussed by a committee formed for this purpose. The research contains the basic elements from the time the study problem is formulated to the analysis of the findings and recommendations.
This course has a practical nature only in which knowledge and skills are applied and practical experience is gained through the direct practice of working with companies in the market by accomplishing 180 hours of operation for the student The companies are approached so that trainees can work for businesses in the electronic aspects and their operations, The training is conducted under the supervision of specialists from the Field Training Department as well as an academic supervisor Weekly reports from students and a report from the supervisor of student training at the labour company are submitted and reviewed by the specialists of the Field Training Department and the academic supervisor as well as a final report at the end of the training and the preparation of the PowerPoint presentation from the trainee to clarify the various aspects that have been trained before a committee of the specialists of the training department and the teaching staff.
    • 10871335
The course offers insights into the creation and enhancement of financial products leveraging technology. It covers topics such as fintech trends, product lifecycle management, user experience design, regulatory considerations, and technological innovations in finance. The course aims to equip students with the skills to conceptualize, develop, and refine financial technology products while considering market demands and compliance requirements.
This course will first introduce students to basic concepts in marketing and then provide them with marketing analysis skills of the marking environment elements, necessary to take the appropriate decisions. The course also seeks to train students to acquire marketing mix management skills in accordance with the new approach in management of marketing operations. The course will also provide students with basic knowledge in modern marketing topics such as marketing of non-profit services, physical distribution and customer service
11032103 English in the Workplace 3
    • 11000325
11101251 Commercial Law 3

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 6 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
    • 10801112
Topics dealt with in this course include the how?s of using scientific foundations in data collection about the project, its analysis and study, with the aim of arriving at results which would determine the viability of the projection terms of its technical, marketing, financial and social aspects. The course also addresses the bases of financial analysis concept of cash flow, ways of evaluation of investment projects and choice of the best project.
    • 10861121
This objective of this course is to Exploring key issues in cost accounting, and to provide student with critical understanding of necessary concepts and major issues facing financial accountant and financial managers in manufacturing companies improve the student?s knowledge and understanding regarding the accounting treatment of some items and gain intellectual and practical skills related. At the end of this course students should be able to: 1 knowledge and understanding of production cost issues 2 abilities to analyze financial positions and decisions 3 skills of analyzing issues and skills of making appropriate financial decisions 4 skills and abilities in financial planning and controlling 5 skills of linking between what have been studied and real cases of special financial alternatives problems.
    • 10861121
This course is divided into two main topics: The first is accounting in insurance companies, and it includes a complete study of the accounts of insurance organizations in terms of books, records, and the treatment of insurance operations in them. It also includes a thorough study of investments, and how to account for them in the books, in addition to how to prepare the final accounts of insurance companies. The second topic is accounting in banks, especially commercial ones, and it includes giving the student a general and comprehensive idea of ??the importance of banks, and their role in developing the economy as part of the banking system in the country. This course also deals with the activities of the various banking departments, with a focus on the current accounts section, and the external transactions section ?documentary credits, currency conversion, and so on.? As well as how to prepare final accounts in banks, and the main components of those accounts.
    • 10871121
This course aims to study the most important factors that a bank must study to make a decision on real estate financing and conduct a credit study on this subject, in addition to studying the areas served by this type of financing and its relationship with other types of financing, in addition to the banks that are willing to grant this type of financing. Finance.
The Fixed Income Securities course aims to introduce students to the basics of financial instruments that provide fixed income to their holders. The course focuses on understanding how these securities work and are valued, and how to use them as part of investment portfolio diversification and risk management. These securities include, for example, government bonds, private bonds, bank certificates of deposit, bonds, investment grade corporate bonds, etc.
    • 10871121
This course aims to study simple interest and compound interest and their various uses in banks, in addition to studying the issue of payments of all kinds, and the methods used to amortize loans and documents.
    • 10871121
Finance is an important aspect of our daily life. This course helps students to gain an overview of personal and family financial planning with an emphasis on financial recordkeeping, planning your spending, tax planning, consumer credit, making buying decisions, purchasing insurance, selecting investments, and retirement and estate planning.
    • 10871225
This course aims to introduce the student to quantitative financial methods, as the student will learn about mathematical models of financial theories in addition to testing them practically through linear regression analysis, time series, and other quantitative financial methods.
    • 10871311
This course aims to introduce the student to international banking operations and facilitate the stimulation of foreign trade, with a focus on means of payment in foreign operations such as transfers, checks, and open accounts, in addition to transferring foreign trade and managing exchange rate risks in banks.
    • 10871121
This course explores basic issues in management of financial enterprises such as insurance companies, banks, pension funds and investment institutions, namely financial brokerage firms and intermediary companies which are specialized in issuing Initial Public Offerings (IPOs).
The main objective of the course is to provide the conceptual background for corporate governance. The course develops theoretical framework for understanding and analyzing the legal and regulatory frameworks for corporate governance, board?s purpose, role and authority in corporate governance outline, and concept of shareholder activism and its effects on Corporate Governance. The course covers basic models of corporate governance, including international best practices relative to board member remuneration, concept of and the applications of mergers and acquisitions, risk management, the role and influence of financial institutions on corporate governance and the concept of corporate social responsibility. The course is focused on developing skills in analyzing corporate behavior in capital markets and the relationship of agent and principal in raising funds, allocating capital, distributing returns. The course requires the knowledge in micro and macroeconomics, accounting, and Finance and banking.
    • 10861121
This course aims to cover major topics in finance, and the focus is on theoretical aspects and modern practical applications of financing concepts related to financing and investment decisions, such as financing structure, merger, project evaluation, securities evaluation, profit distribution, financial markets...etc. In order to follow up on recent developments in the previous fields and others. The focus in this course is on studying recent articles published in specialized journals in the English language rather than on text books, and through this course many case studies will be addressed.
    • 10871213
This course focus on the study of the structure of the model banking apparatus, bank interest rates, and their relationship with economic changes and circumstances; credit instruments, credit considerations particularly concerning guarantees, their types and banking suitability.
    • 10871225
This course aims to introduce the student to how individuals and institutions make investment decisions, how these decisions may differ from the rational assumptions in traditional financial theories, and the impact of this on the pricing of capital assets and thus on the management of investment portfolios.
    • 10871412
This course aims to introduce the student to the most important aspects used in preparing the general budget, analyze the elements of this budget and its various items, and analyze the types of general budgets, such as: zero-based budget, program and performance budget... etc., provided that students are trained to prepare the general budget, analyze its elements, and read Its terms.
    • 10871225
This course aims to introduce the student to the types of financial derivatives, the different markets that deal with these instruments, and the pricing of the instruments used in the derivatives markets.
The course aims to teach students how to think logically and apply algorithms to solve problems using different programming languages.

Speciality Optional Requirements, Second Set Student must complete 6 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
10801211 Business Statistics (2) 3
    • 10801113
    • 10801111
Microeconomic Theory is a course that focuses on a deeper analysis of the economic behavior of individuals and firms than in the principles of microeconomics. The course covers theories of supply and demand, equilibrium analysis, cost and production theories, and studies different market structures and their impact on the economy.
This course deals with the basic knowledge frames of the digital world including key programming concepts and the impact of digital technology on the different spheres of the societal life, ranging from identity to the economical, psychological, and social aspects. It also teaches students how digital technology influences people?s behavioral aspects, the social order, and individuals? interaction with their society.
    • 11000117
This course teaches skills of negotiation and persuasion. It develops planning skills to make successful strategies and tactics. It teaches the stages of persuasion, problems and solutions, the different kinds of personalities, ways of dealing with them, the characteristics of a good negotiator, and body language.
    • 11000117
This course covers the main skills in the public relations field. It combines both theoretical and practical sides by using study cases and practical exercises. The course gives the students the opportunity to learn different skills in the practice of public relations. It includes the following: Preparing the media and advertising materials such as letters, brochures, publications, news, newsletters?etc. Organizing conferences, press conferences, speeches, reports, minutes, invitations?etc. Coordinating with media and journalists and communicate with the public.
    • 10866111
This course aims to focus on humans, and focus on the role played by personnel management, as it specializes in dealing with humans. And put an end to his problems by placing the right man in the right place through a clear and fair employment policy. By evaluating wages from time to time, consolidating the concepts of equality and justice, and through incentives, their importance and impact, they also establish methods for evaluating the performance of individuals.
    • 10211109
The Operations Research course aims to introduce students to the concepts and methods of operations research and their applications in multiple fields.
    • 10876111
This course considers the general principles of marketing banking services/ products, analysis of banking, purchasing behavior and its determinants, consumerbehavior,marketingenvironmentofbankingservices,development of banking services and innovation, pricing of banking services, patterns of clients and ways of dealing with them?etc.
Explores the world of entrepreneurship and creativity by examining the processes and techniques used to develop ideas and turn them into successful projects. The course includes understanding the foundations of entrepreneurship and the stages of emerging business development, in addition to analyzing the factors that affect the success of entrepreneurial projects and enhancing creativity in various fields.

Free Courses Student must complete 6 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
10189 Palestinian Folk Arts 2
32113 Spanish Language I 3
32115 German Language I 3
32117 Turkish Language 3
32119 Italian Language 3
32124 Russian Language 3
71111 Introduction to Library Science 3
82115 Callegraphy 3
A practical compulsory course based on a weekly lecture. This course aims to push students to deal with patients and the hospital environment in various departments and facilities. In addition, students receive a brief overview of first aid principles
7303311 Medicinal Plants in Palestine 2
7303312 Cosmetic Products and Community 2
7303433 Pharmacy & Society 2
7404111 Family Health 2
This course is an introduction to the Hebrew language for speakers of Arabic and other languages, and it will focus on the following topics: Hebrew alphabet, Hebrew diacritics, sentence and sentence structure, singular and plural, adjectives, numbers, femininity and masculinity, verb tenses, and comparing linguistic phenomena between Arabic and Hebrew. At the end of the course, the student will be able to read, write, and talk, and will have sufficient knowledge of vocabulary.
10311197 French Language 2
This course aims at introducing students to the French alphabet, and the way of writing masculine and feminine words, as well as sentence structures: personal pronouns, verbs, and objects (direct and indirect). It also lists daily events using assistance tools such as drawings, pictures, and some short answers: acceptance, rejection, thanking, apology, and justifying the answers.
This course covers several topics: meaning of story in language and usage, concept of Qur'anic story, its objectives and characteristics, most important contemporary suspicions raised around Qur'anic stories and responses to them. The course is also a det
10805107 Psychological Culture in Our Recent Life 2
10816001 Planning and Development 2
Digital marketing is the process of promoting products or services using digital technologies and the Internet. Digital marketing relies on various strategies and advanced tools to reach the target audience, build customer relationships, increase brand awareness, and generate sales. Digital marketing is characterized by its ability to reach a wide audience at a relatively low cost compared to traditional marketing, in addition to the ability to accurately measure and analyze results to make informed decisions.
11000111 Jerusalem 2
11000112 Fighting Corruption : Challenges and Solutions 2
11000131 Geography of Palestine 2
This course deals with the concept of family in Islam, its philosophy, importance, the need to it, the legal religious objectives of it, the foundations on which it is based, and the distinguishing characteristics. It also presents the importance of marriage as well as its rules. It also presents the ways by which the marriage bond can be untied once it is impossible to go on marriage despite all reconciliation attempts. It reviews the dangers of false ideas which call for undermining the family and the marriage system as these have their own destructive impacts on religious teachings, human values and on the future on communities. It contributes in presenting and discussing a number of contemporary issues so as to be understood, recognize the opinion of Islamic Shari?ah about it and to find ways to address them such as fender, equality, domestic violence against women, birth control, artificial insemination, the Misyar or altruistic marriage, the temporary marriage and the customary marriage.
This course aims at consolidating the concept of Islamic faith, its importance, characteristics, impacts and position in Muslims? lives. The course also demonstrates some scientific evidences that ensures the existence of Allah, the Almighty, and His Greatness. It addresses the atheists? doubts related to universe, destine, and the Day of Judgement. It also defines the meaning of monotheism, its types, requirements, contradictions; it presents the role of prophets in establishing the monotheism faith in people?s lives by narrating the stories of prophets Moses and Ibrahim with their nations. It briefly talks about the other pillars of Islam.
Topics addressed in this course include concept of sira (biography), its sources, importance, benefit, qualities, most important contemporary suspicions around the Qur'anic narrative and responses to them; study of the most important events in the life of the Messenger, peace be upon him, from birth to death. This course is a detailed analytical study of the prophet's biography and the lessons that can be drawn from it.
It aims to introduce students to the basics of debates and develop their skills in analysis, persuasion, and effective communication. The course focuses on teaching students how to formulate and present arguments logically and convincingly, as well as understanding the rules and techniques of successful debate.
It aims to introduce students to the basics of debates and develop their skills in analysis, persuasion, and effective communication. The course focuses on teaching students how to formulate and present arguments logically and convincingly, as well as understanding the rules and techniques of successful debate.
11000155 Poison Prevention 2
11000158 Medications and Community 2
11000160 تكنولوجيا الطاقة والمجتمع 2
11000161 Engineering & Society 2
11000162 Environment in Palestine 2
11000163 التغذية والصحة 2
11000165 Earthquake Mitigation 2
11000166 Genetics and Society 2
11000167 University Psychological Adaptation 2
11000168 Principles of Ocupational Saftey 2
11000169 Risk Assessment and Management 2
11000173 Sign Language 2
11000175 Democracy, Human Rights & International Human Rights 2
11000176 القانون و المجتمع 2
11000254 Sports and Health 2
11000255 Practical Swimming 2
11000331 English Conversation Skills 3
11000332 English Writing Skills 3
11000333 The Art of Writing and Expressing 2
11000334 Historical and Tourist Tracks 2
11201101 Introduction to Musicology 2
Studying the musical production of the Palestinian people, and identifying the style of popular music. Palestinian, and analysis of popular music at the instrumental and lyrical levels. Research into the characteristics of instrumental music and its popular singing features. Study and analysis of the various forms and templates of popular music. Identifying examples of popular songs and types of popular musical instruments, in terms of their manufacture, sound structure, and methods of playing them.
The course aims to learn collective singing of a repertoire of Palestinian and Arab national anthems and songs.
This course provides students with the practical skills necessary for the process of manual formation/making of ceramics through compression and rope formation techniques or slide formation techniques. In addition, this course aims at training students how to firmly stick parts and articles in order to accomplish the required design, with a great emphasis on the characteristics and quality of clay. It also gives students the opportunity to learn how to deal with problems and acquire the means and ways with which they can preserve their work and follow up with it on a continual basis. All of this will be accomplished by students carrying out created designs which accomplish all these concepts.

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