جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Computer Science Apprenticeship Program
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Student must complete 87 credit hours

University Requirements Student must complete 19 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This is a three-hour non-credited English course offered to students who score poorly (i.e. below 50%) on the placement test. Since the major concern of this course is to improve the students? proficiency before starting their ordinary university English basic courses and major courses taught in English, special emphasis has been placed on enhancing the students? ability to effectively acquire the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specifically, the course attempts to ensure an academically acceptable performance on the part of the students at the level of the English basic courses. Moreover, the course aims at expanding students? vocabulary needed for various tasks.
This course aims to establish the concept of Islamic culture and its position among the other international cultures, its position in the Muslim life, its sources, its bases and its characteristics. It also aims to introduce the Islamic culture in faith, worship, relations, morals, and knowledge, to discuss the clash between cultures in addition to Globalization, Human Rights, Woman Rights, Democracy and other contemporary issues.
This course aims to improve the level of students in language skills and various literary, read and absorb and express written, and oral and tasted literary, through texts flags authors and poets in different eras, lessons in grammar and spelling, and brief definition months dictionaries and Arab old ones the modern and how to use them. This course aims to implement the Arabic language in the areas of reading and expression of both types oral and written communication.
This is a three credit-hour university-required English language course designed for students who need to work on the four skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of vocabulary and skills of comprehension are integral parts of the course. In addition, various reading strategies (making predictions, identifying main ideas, reading for details, relating information in the text to life experience) are introduced and developed through a wide range of topics for reading and writing. The course encourages a more analytical and independent approach to study and helps prepare the students for any subsequent exam preparation.
The course is mandatory for university students from various disciplines, so it does provide students with knowledge and `information about the Palestinian reality and in particular the political developments of the Palestinian cause since its inception until the present day in line social and economic developments and political which constitute the main pillars for the study of the Palestinian political reality. This course aims to study Palestinian issue from its begging until present day in social, economic and political issue.
11000108 Community Service 1
11000117 Leadership and Communication Skills 1
11000126 Introduction to Computer Science and Skills 2
This is a three-credit hour university-required English language course which is offered to students majoring in Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, Veterinary, and Information Technology ... etc. Students in this course will be exposed to a range of science-based writings in English that supply students with samples of the kind of academic English they are likely to encounter in their textbooks. Exercises on grammar, vocabulary and textual organization are geared towards developing students? observational and analytical skills that aid comprehension. The course uses an integrated approach which allows for communicative interaction in the class to actively test and broaden the listening and speaking abilities of the students. Furthermore, the acquisition of vocabulary items will be reinforced through their use in written sentences. Additional training in writing will be given through questions and answers, summaries of principal ideas in a reading passage and the preparation of reports.

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 62 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course covers the concepts of function, inverse function, models, limits, continuity and derivatives, the differentiation rules and their applications, related rates, linear approximation, and hyperbolic functions. The mean value theorem, indeterminate forms, L' Hospital's rule, curve sketching, and optimization problems.
    • 10211101
Definite and Indefinite integrals. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. The Substitution Rule. Applications of integration (Areas and volumes), Average Value of a Function. Techniques of Integration (Integration by parts, Trigonometric Integrals, Trigonometric Substitution, Integration by Partial Fractions, Improper Integrals). Applications of integration (Arc Length, Area of a Surface). Infinite sequences and series (The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums, The Comparison Tests, Alternating Series, Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests, Power Series, Taylor and Maclaurin Series)
This course is given to non-physics students, it includes the following topics: - Classical mechanics: Motion and Newton's Laws, Circular motion and applications, Energy transfer, and Linear and angular momentum. - Fluid mechanics, vibrations and wave motion - Thermodynamics - Electricity and magnetism: Gauss law, electric circuits, and Sources of magnetic fields. - Light and lasers. - Microscopes.
This Course begins with an introduction to computers, hardware and software and problem-solving. This Course also includes an introduction to programming using C/C++ including: I/O; expressions and arithmetic; if, while and for statements; one-dimensional arrays, string handling, functions, scope, recursion and matrices.
    • 10671101
This Course covers more advanced C/C++ Programming Features including: pointers, dynamic memory, structures, text files, binary files, classes and objects.
    • 10671102
This Course is an introduction to the various Data Structures which use an object-oriented language, such as Java. The Course covers: lists, stacks, queues, heaps, trees, search trees, hash tables, the analysis and implementation of data structures, recursion, sorting and searching.
    • 10671210
In this Course, students are introduced to the techniques used in the analysis of Algorithms and Design Methods: divide and conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, recursive, searching and sorting algorithms and Complexity Analysis.
    • 10672104 or
    • 10671243
This course covers operating systems history, basic issues in concurrency, deadlock control, synchronization, scheduling, memory management, process management, resource management, protection, access control, implementation of parts of a small operating system.
    • 10671210
    • 10672104 or
    • 10671243
This course begins with an introduction to basic notations of communications, protocols, network topologies and 802.xx IEEE standards. Detailed descriptions of network layer models (IOS and TCP/IP) include; Application, Transport, Network, Data link and physical. Local area networks setting and configuration (case study) and introduction to NW security.
The purpose of this course is to understand and use discrete structures that are backbones of computer science. In this course, topics on propositional logic, predicate logic, sets, functions and relations, counting methods, mathematical induction, recursion, algorithms, graphs, trees etc, will be introduced. During the semester students will learn to recognize and express the mathematical ideas graphically, numerically, symbolically, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.
    • 10671101
This Course is an introduction to Computer System Organization and Architectures, a description of Computer Systems, Neumann/Imperative computational model, memory hierarchy, Central Processing Unit (CPU), ARM instruction set and cycle, pipelining and super-pipelining, Control Unit, Micro-Programming and Parallel Computers. Moreover, the interaction between computer hardware and system programs like Assembler, Library, Linker, Loader, Interpreter and Operating System is outlined in this course.
    • 10671101
This course outlines basic concepts and methods of probability principles using python. It covers topics related to sets theory, probability theory, counting principle, discrete and continuous random variables, operations on random variables, various distribution functions besides analyzing their properties ( bernoulli, binomial, poisson, geometric, normal distribution, exponential distribution, multivariate normal distribution). Studetns learn also to implement and visualize the previous subjects using python. Finally, the course introduces the concept of bayes rule and its usage in univariate predictions.
    • 11000103
In this course, basic guidelines required to improve communication skills and critical thinking for students, to maintain healthy and effective relationships, and to demonstrate appropriate and professional ethical behaviour. Also, students learn the best methods of communication for negotiation, create convincing messages, ask thoughtful questions, and engage in active listening. In addition, the basic knowledge needed to prepare technical reports is introduced to students.
This course introduces the theory of computation, including models of computation such as Turing machines; theory of programming languages, including grammars, regular expressions, parsing, syntax and semantics. On the other hand, graph-based models of computation are discussed, such as finite state automata.
    • 10671101
This course a great opportunity for students to develop various non-technical skills, within a context that students will find relevant and engaging: a project to create a web-based application. These skills help students to succeed both during their time at University and, more importantly, in their future working life. Such acquired skills include group working, self- and peer- learning, setting goals and managing progress towards them, innovation and design. Students in this course, will acquire deep knowledge on front-end Web-based application development by leaning concepts in HTML, Javascript, and CSS. During this course, students are encouraged to assess their own knowledge and decide what extra information they need and how they will obtain it throughout the so-called Enquiry-based learning.
    • 10672202
    • 10672218
This course is a continuation of course ?Team Project 1?, where students will work as groups towards building upon what have been achieved in ?Team Project 1? by utilizing new technical skills acquired from previous courses, such as DBMS. In this course, students focus on obtaining knowledge in backend Web development using Node JS platform. Topics covered in this course include introduction and installation to Node Js platfrom, Node package manager, Express framework, debugging options, static files (CDN, public directory, node modules), setting up tooling (Running ESlint, ES6, global vs local, refactoring vs coding, setting up nodeman), templating engines, routing, databases, autentecation, structure and third party APIs
    • 10671210
This course examines the software development process: analysis, specification, design, implementation, integration, testing and maintenance. It covers software processes, project management, people management, software requirements, system models, architectural and detailed design, user interface design, programming practices, verification and validation and software evolution. Structured software engineering techniques will also be examined. The course will combine a strong technical focus with a capstone project providing the opportunity to practice engineering knowledge, skills, and practices in a realistic development setting with a real client.
    • 10671101
Students, in this course, are introduced to concepts of database systems and architecture, data-modelling using the E-R Model, the relational model, normalization, operations on relational models, relational constraints and relational algebra, SQL (relational Database Standard), security in SQL and, and overview of PL/SQL. Furthermore, an system overview will be provided for the oracle system, distributed databases and client-server architecture
    • 10216302 or
    • 10672110
    • 10671210
This course will introduce the fundamental concepts and techniques used to design and build intelligent computer systems. A particular focus will be on the statistical and decision-theoretic modeling paradigm. Students will be able to build autonomous agents that can efficiently make decisions in fully informed, partially observable and adversarial environments. The constructed software agents are capable of performing intelligently by either accomplishing computation, e.g., searching, or by drawing inferences by learning from data. Students will understand what supervised machine learning algorithms are and how they can be employed in classifying handwritten digits and photographs. The techniques you learn in this course apply to a wide variety of artificial intelligence problems and will serve as the foundation for further study in any application area you choose to pursue.
    • 10671212
This is the first internship course that allows students to be exposed, at an early stage, to the private sector environment. This include: interviews, communication skills, the attendance of the daily and planning meeting. Students are given small-scale real-world problems and asked to solve them within a specified timeframe. Students then present their solutions to the team.

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 6 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
    • 10672110 or
    • 10211102
This course is an introductory course on mathematical statistics, summary statistics, and statistical inference. Students get introduced to the data preprocessing pipeline, including data and dataset types, data cleaning, data normalization, outlier removal. Then, students learn concept related to explorative data analysis for numeircal and categoral data types. In addition to this, students learn concepts related to histograms and sample statistics, detailed coverage of Gaussian (normal) distribution, and the lognormal distribution, sampling distributions, and tests of significance are also offered in this course. On the other hand, students will study topics on analysis of variance, multiple variables with emphasis on the bivariate case, correlation and regression. Students use different datasets to implement the above concepts using python programming language.
The ultimate goal of this course is to help students fulfil their dreams of becoming entrepreneurs and achieving the independence that comes with business success to prepare students for leadership and the direction of innovation in all its ambits, from the management of innovation systems (new products, services, business models and processes) to the creation of new business opportunities (start-ups) and models (entrepreneurship).

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