جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Essential Skills

  • Proficiency in creating user stories, personas, sitemaps, wireframes, prototypes and storyboards
  • Ability to plan and conduct user testing, surveys, and formal evaluations
  • Understanding of interaction design principles and information architecture
  • Knowledge of industry tools like: Sketch, InVision, Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Zeplin, OmniGraffle
  • Ability to translate goals, objectives, and data into digital experiences
  • Understanding of business metrics, and how your designs contribute to performance
  • Ability to collaborate in cross-departmental teams
  • Strong project management and time management skills
  • Strong communication and presentation skills; an ability to articulate and discuss your design decisions with clients and stakeholders.
  • Strong knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript is a must.
  • Knowledge of Frontend Web Frameworks like VueJS, React and Angular is a plus.
  • Familiarity with PhoneGap/Cordova is a plus.

Personal Skills

  • Excellent written and verbal communication.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: ready to adapt to different situations and think on your feet.
  • Teamwork: spending a lot of your time working with others
  • Problem-solving: natural knack for both creative and critical thinking  to come up with excellent design solutions.

Interested applicants must submit their CVs to the following mail addresses no later than 1/11/2019 to [email protected]

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