جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University has been ranked 1st in Palestine in the number of published research papers according to Scopus. Several researchers from the University have achieved excellence in scientific research in numerous fields, especially the fields of medical sciences for the year 2022 through the publication of numerous research papers by international scientific journals according to SCOPUS.

The University’s top seven researchers in Palestine according to SCOPUS include Dr. Sa'ed H. Zyoud (192 research papers), Prof. Walid Sweileh (179 research papers), Dr. Samah Al-Jabi (134 research papers), Dr. Nidal Jaradat (115 research papers), Prof. Abdel Naser Zaid (100 research papers), Prof. Ansam Sawalha (83 research papers), and Dr. Ramzi Shawahni (77 research papers).

On this occasion, Prof. Abdel Naser Zaid, An-Najah University President paid tribute to the university's top researchers and thanked An-Najah staff for their continued support, enthusiasm and dedication to serve the University.

“The University is committed to achieving excellence in research, and to ensuring that its research contributes to the well-being of society. It seeks to provide a creative and supportive environment in which ideas are generated and can flourish.” Prof. Zaid added.

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