جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Professor Ismael Warrad, Lecturer at the Chemistry Department is An-Najah's distinguished researcher for the year; a researcher well-known on the national and international levels.

Prof. Warrad obtained his BSc in Chemistry, his MSc in Physical Chemistry from An-Najah National University, and his PhD from the University of Tübingen in Germany in Metal-Organic Catalysts.

He worked for five years in scientific research labs in Germany and was a candidate Professor to a number of universities in Greece and Switzerland.

After that, he went to Saudi Arabia and worked at the King Saud University for seven years where he obtained a full professor degree.

His nostalgia for his homeland, Palestine encouraged him to come back to An-Najah National University to work as a lecturer at the Chemistry Department.

During his career life, Prof. Warrad published more than 200 research papers by prominent international journals, and his research mainly tackled three areas; namely, industrial catalysts production, anti-cancer drugs and metal complexes production.

In 2002, Prof. Warrad obtained the Graduiertenkollegs Award and the Global Excellence Scholarship from Germany. He obtained the Excellence Research Award from Saudi Arabia four times and the Distinguished Professor Award from An-Najah, an award given to those who obtain a full Professor degree and publish prominent research papers in international scientific periodicals.

In addition to that, Prof. Warrad deposited more than 140 organic and non-organic compounds at the ​​ Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), 12 of which were deposited in 2016.

In 2015, He published a patent in Genetic Disease Prevention and participated in several international scientific conferences.

When we interviewed Prof. Warrad, he gave pieces of advice to his colleagues and students on time management, hard work and community service that will help them in achieving excellence on different levels.

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