جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Dr. Kherieh ‎Rassas, An-Najah’s Vice President for International and External Relations has been conferred the rank of Knight (Chevalier) of France's National Order of Merit.

President of France, Emmanuel Macron, with a republican decision through the French Consul General in Jerusalem, René Troccaz, conferred Dr. Rassas Knight of the National Order of Merit, which is the highest rank of the Order granted annually to French and international figures by the Frehcn Republic with a presidential decision.

This medal was awarded to her by French Consul General in Jerusalem Rene Troccaz, in recognition of her work, her functions and her vital role in developing the Palestinian-French relations.

As the Consulate General of France in Jerusalem follows up with Dr. Rassas’s political and academic contributions, it has been noticeable that, between 2013 and 2019, she worked as an advisor to the then Prime Minister, Prof. Rami Alhamdallah. Subsequently, Dr. Rassas effected a considerable change by improving the bilateral Palestinain-French relations when she set up a mutual governmental committee, presided over by the French and Palestinian prime ministers. Today, Dr. Rassas still fostering the relations at the academic level.

Dr. Rassas is fluent in French, as she studied in Rossary Sister High School For Girls and, due to her academic excellence, obtained a full scholarship to continue her studies in France. This encouraged her afterwards to pursue her higher education in South Africa and Britain. It should be noted that Dr. Rassas founded the first Optometery in Palestine in 2005, which later, with her help, obtained international accreditation.

Dr. Rassas was granted Queen Elizabeth Prize in 2005 for her leading role in the field of eye health in Palestine.

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