جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, An-Najah National University in cooperation with the Engineers Association in Nablus, organized a training workshop on earthquake damage assessment to provide engineers and specialists in the field of disaster management with information on the latest techniques and methods for assessing earthquake damage.

The workshop took place at the headquarters of the Engineers Syndicate in Nablus, and was attended by participants both in person and via Zoom. It included the participation of Prof. Jalal Dabbeek, Director of the Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction Center at the University, Eng. Sami Hijjawi, Mayor of Nablus, more than 170 male and female engineers and a number of interested persons.

It included several discussions on different topics, including the basics of earthquake engineering, earthquake damage assessment, and the use of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) in damage assessment. 

During the training workshop, Prof. Al Dabeek provided an overview of the movement of Earth's tectonic plates, types of earth faults, earthquake occurrences and their impact on buildings. He explained how to classify damages in buildings affected by various disasters and emphasized the importance of information transfer in determining priorities for rescue, evacuation, shelter, and relief operations. 

He also explained how financial losses are calculated based on data and information, whether the losses are direct or indirect. Additionally, the workshop featured a presentation by Mr. Firas Qaymari from OCHA via Zoom on models for evaluating damages related to disasters and earthquakes.

The workshop is part of the University's efforts to contribute to the development of the local community and enhance its resilience to natural disasters. The University is keen to organize such activities and workshops that help promote knowledge transfer, exchange of expertise, and capacity building.

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