جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University recently received the Ministry of ‎ Higher Education and Scientific Research Accreditation for a new PhD ‎program in Sustainable Energy Technology. ‎

An-Najah University's Energy Research Center has taken a leading ‎role in the development ‎of this program, which is led by Dr. ‎Imad Ibrik, Director of the Energy Research Center, and Coordinator ‎of Scientific Centers at the University.‎

The PhD program in Sustainable Energy Technology is a multi-‎disciplinary doctoral program. It aims to solve future challenges in ‎the energy area by developing new energy technologies. ‎

Students will learn how to make use of alternative energy sources, ‎explore new energy technologies and energy production capabilities. ‎They will be able to use this knowledge to improve energy efficiency ‎in a way that will overall reduce the negative impact on our natural ‎environment in Palestine.‎

Moreover, the program will enable students to develop specialist ‎research skills and knowledge required to work in a group in an ‎interdisciplinary context. At the same time, students will also be able ‎to interpret and disseminate results in field of sustainable energy.‎

Future graduates will find career opportunities in different fields of ‎sustainable energy as energy consultants, energy auditors, and ‎environmental managers.‎

The development of this PhD program is consistent with An-Najah ‎University's policies and vision in promoting environmental and ‎sustainable development in Palestine.‎

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