جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The Energy Research Center at An-Najah National University implemented a project to provide electricity to the Bedouin community of Azazma in the village of Deir Qaddis – located West of Ramallah. The clean energy is provided through solar cell system. This project was supported by (Empower Kids Palestine) in cooperation with the University of Arizona.

The project aims to support the resilience of the Bedouin residents in the targeted area and improve their living conditions, as the community there suffers from constant threats and harassments by the occupation. These threats include demolition orders, prevention to build or construct, and prevent basic services that aim to displace the community from their land.

Through this project, 10 solar units were provided to the residents of Al Azazma Bedouin community. The Energy Research Center held information workshops for the residents to clarify the mechanism of the system operation and the amount of available solar energy, in addition to explaining the importance of managing energy use in order to preserve the solar systems.

It is worth mentioning that over the past twelve years, the center has implemented several projects that benefited the local community. Since 2007, over 20 twenty vulnerable and marginalized locations were provided with clean energy and renewable.

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