جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
French Language with Arabic for Non-Native Speakers Teachers' Training Minor
Duration: 48 Months (4 Years)
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Student must complete 128 credit hours

University Requirements Student must complete 19 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This is a three-hour non-credited English course offered to students who score poorly (i.e. below 50%) on the placement test. Since the major concern of this course is to improve the students? proficiency before starting their ordinary university English basic courses and major courses taught in English, special emphasis has been placed on enhancing the students? ability to effectively acquire the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Specifically, the course attempts to ensure an academically acceptable performance on the part of the students at the level of the English basic courses. Moreover, the course aims at expanding students? vocabulary needed for various tasks.
This course aims to establish the concept of Islamic culture and its position among the other international cultures, its position in the Muslim life, its sources, its bases and its characteristics. It also aims to introduce the Islamic culture in faith, worship, relations, morals, and knowledge, to discuss the clash between cultures in addition to Globalization, Human Rights, Woman Rights, Democracy and other contemporary issues.
This course aims to improve the level of students in language skills and various literary, read and absorb and express written, and oral and tasted literary, through texts flags authors and poets in different eras, lessons in grammar and spelling, and brief definition months dictionaries and Arab old ones the modern and how to use them. This course aims to implement the Arabic language in the areas of reading and expression of both types oral and written communication.
This is a three credit-hour university-required English language course designed for students who need to work on the four skills of the language: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The development of vocabulary and skills of comprehension are integral parts of the course. In addition, various reading strategies (making predictions, identifying main ideas, reading for details, relating information in the text to life experience) are introduced and developed through a wide range of topics for reading and writing. The course encourages a more analytical and independent approach to study and helps prepare the students for any subsequent exam preparation.
The course is mandatory for university students from various disciplines, so it does provide students with knowledge and `information about the Palestinian reality and in particular the political developments of the Palestinian cause since its inception until the present day in line social and economic developments and political which constitute the main pillars for the study of the Palestinian political reality. This course aims to study Palestinian issue from its begging until present day in social, economic and political issue.
11000108 Community Service 1
11000117 Leadership and Communication Skills 1
11000126 Introduction to Computer Science and Skills 2
11000323 English Language II 3

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 76 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course is designed to introduce students to the French Language: simple sentences, nouns, articles, pronunciation and simple structures. The course focuses on the students four skills as it also introduces French grammar. The course follows the objectives of the DELF A1 examination.
This course aims at training students to comprehend short sentences used in daily life: introducing one?s self, family, work, and the surrounding environment. The course focuses on the skills of oral expression and understanding, along with introducing French grammar. This course follows the objectives of DELF A1 examination
This course covers how students talk about their hobbies, habits, memories, and other things. It aims at empowering students to write short messages, emails, and the like, and focuses on the writing skills and students? textual understanding along with French grammar. This course follows the objectives of the of DELF A1 examination.
    • 10311112
This course covers students? four skills and the French grammar rules. It also follows the objectives of DELF A2. The instructor merges extracurricular activities that stimulate work independence and critical thinking in this course.
    • 10311112 or
    • 10311111
This course focuses on students? comprehension and oral expression skills and training them on talking about daily life and expressing their feelings, emotions, points of views, and having a conversation in a store or a train station and other places. The course aims at training students to comprehend the audio-visual short documents of the average level in daily life. The course follows the objectives of the of DELF A2 examination.
    • 10311112 or
    • 10311111
This course aims at improving textual comprehension and writing by training students to write short messages and diaries by narrating daily events in the surrounding environment. It also aims at training students to understand written texts, short messages, advertisements, declarations, and tourist guides and their content. This course follows the objectives of the DELF A2 examination
    • 10311114
This course focuses on improving students? skills in conversation and oral comprehension. The course trains the students to orally express their opinions on several topics, discussing several issues related to their daily life, and narrating a story of a film they watched. It also aims at training students to watch TV shows, listen to radio programs and understand them. This course follows the objectives of the DELF A1 examination.
    • 10311115
The course focuses on improving students? skills in texts? comprehension and writing. The course addresses how to write coherent texts, articles, and short messages that express their points of views. It also aims at training students to understand written texts such as: emails, brochures, articles and others and understanding their basic information. This course follows the objectives of the DEFL B1 examination.
    • 10311113
This course aims at introducing students to the methods of different times within the text and identifying the combinations of special complex in French language through using them and identifying them with different texts.
    • 10311216
This course focuses on training students on understanding correspondences, texts related to the general topics in daily life and understanding discussion methods in the text of the average level. In oral comprehension, the course focuses on understanding numbers, dates, instructions and oral messages, as it also deals with how to understand multiple topics dealing with analyzing and criticizing a film or a certain theme. The course follows the objectives of DELF B1 examination.
    • 10311216
This course aims at training students to express themselves, their hobbies, habits and speaking on some specific details such as: watching a film, a personal experience, feelings, opinions, or attitudes with the ability to justifying their opinions. This course requires training students to present a certain topic, where they take into account the different times, and syntax taught. This course follows the objectives of DEFL B1 examination.
    • 10311217
This course aims at training students on the advanced writing that includes writing about personal experiences, certain events, expressing their personal opinion on a particular topic, and writing a simple article and messages, with a focus on different times and the syntax structures taught. This course follows the DEFL B1 examination.
    • 10311220
The course focuses on understanding multiple texts according to their types, and understanding the literary and poetry texts. In oral comprehension, the course focuses on bulletins, TV and radio programs, interviews, speeches and points of views, and others. This course follows the objectives of DELF B2.
    • 10311221
The course aims at training students on basic conversation using styles of discussion and expression, expressing the point of views fluently on several topics including personal, professional and general topics. It also focuses on training students on the skills of oral rephrasing. The course follows the objectives of the DELF B2 examination.
    • 10311222
The course covers the advanced writing skills in writing clear and coherent texts, focusing on persuasive skills in writing, organizing ideas, writing an introduction and conclusion, the principles of writing reports, and how to use the right text links. The course follows the objectives of the DELF B2 examination
    • 10311217 or
    • 10311216
This course is an introduction to French literature, highlighting a study of French literary excerpts from the 20th- 21st centuries. It aims at analyzing short literary compositions of this period of time and identifying special terminology in vocabulary and literary criticism.
    • 10311221
This course addresses the principles and terminology of phonetics in French, as it also focuses on writing sentences and words using the international phonetic alphabetic to illustrate their pronunciation. The course illustrates the French tonal system and the relationship of the tone of a sound with the meaning.
    • 10311323
The course is an introduction to translation in French. It introduces students to translation terminologies, the history and importance of translation, tenses translation and synonyms. It also addresses learning how to form translated and computer typed pages.
    • 10311327
The course is a study of the basic linguistic theories; it introduces linguistics terminology, and is an introduction to linguistics.
    • 10311218
This course analyzes in-depth texts and their norms and different styles to ensure a better understanding of the nature of the text, as it also includes an analysis of sentences, paragraphs and texts through coherence and consistency. This course is followed with the objectives of the DELF C1 examination concerning text comprehension.
    • 10311218
This course deals with the principles, foundations, methods and applications of scientific research. It also focuses on critical thinking and teaching students how to write research papers through deciding on the topic, collecting data, references, quoting, and documentation of the written text. Furthermore, the course focuses on how to design a survey to collect data, the subject of interviews, and the other research tools, how to use the library, and evaluate the sources and references used and benefit from them. This course is considered an introduction to the scientific research course. And it follows the objectives of the DELF C1 examination concerning writing the argumentative article and conclusion.
    • 10311328
This course aims at training students on translating media and technical texts from French to Arabic; this aims at mastering the understanding of French paperwork. This gives students the chance to re-read their mother language in a foreign language. At the end of the semester, students present a translation of an advanced text they agreed on with their instructor.
    • 10311324 or
    • 10311323
This course covers the methods and evolution of teaching French over time through addressing the language policy in France in terms of spreading the French language and culture in the world. It also focuses on the practical aspects of the teaching process of preparing the curriculum, analyzing teaching books, using different documents, evaluating the teaching process, and giving an extra lesson using the multimedia
    • 10311332
This course is a research project students prepare after choosing a particular theme in coordination with the course instructor in the area of language, literature, linguistics or teaching methods. This project demonstrates students? linguistic and cognitive development, and is an indication that they are able to deal with the research problems, collecting and analyzing data and finding conclusions. The course instructor supervises this project according to the principles and analysis of scientific research and their requirements. The course is a practical application of the introduction to scientific research, and it follows the objectives of the DELF C1/ C2 examination.
    • 10311328
This course aims at training students on translating media and technical texts form Arabic-to-French, and it is considered an advanced stage in writing expression, as it gives students the chance to think in their first language in light of the foreign language.
    • 10311437
The course addresses students? practical training by sending them to local or international institutions for training in the fields of translation, teaching methods, linguistics or literature, and writing a graduation project on the topic they choose and discussing them with the course instructor. This course is linked to the research project course.

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 6 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
    • 10311115 or
    • 10311114
This course introduces students to the learning methods and effective high skills in learning French, especially those that help students learn independently. The most important skills students learn are: time management, assigning their needs, and taking notes from several sources (lectures, texts, the audio and visual resources, and others). It also focuses on training students in the process of identifying the main themes, secondary information, and drafting and rephrasing in their native language, along with the methods of researching and processing the information using the multimedia to improve their language skills. In addition, the course covers how to enable students to evaluate the skills they acquire in the courses they study through posing a series of questions.
    • 10311113
This course aims at analyzing different aspects of French daily life, civilization and culture, and learning multimedia special expressions such as: cinema and documentary shows, along with analyzing texts related to the French culture and history, as well as the remarkable historical events in the history of France.
    • 10311219
The course aims at training students to take notes from audio and visual documents. Students train for quickness in taking notes, understanding and drafting in their own language. This course combines focus, quickness, and linguistic phrasing.
    • 10311326
The course introduces general French literature excerpts from the Medieval Era and the21st century. It aims at introducing students to the literary texts that represent this era and the others? culture, as it also works on building their literary sense.
    • 10311216
    • 10311217
This course introduces a special topic in one of the following topics: language, literature, translation, methods of teaching French, and comparative linguistics, that the instructor recommends an important course in meeting with students? needs. The instructor provides a full description of the course, content, objectives, and teaching outcomes so the courses of the same area don?t repeat one another. The course aims at fulfilling students? needs and raising their level in the chosen topics.
    • 10311329
The course introduces an analytical, in-depth study of the French and Arabic language systems, through addressing the syntactic and phonetic aspects, translation and analysing mistakes. Students can make a comparison between the French, Arabic and English language systems.
    • 10311328
This course aims at introducing students to interpreting from and to French: reading translation and drafting in both languages
    • 10311329
This course addresses the emergence of sociolinguistics and the ideological trends and language function trying to determine the identity of these trends through their scientific and epistemological orientations and methods; in addition, it studies the problems of study and perception of the relationship between language and society. The course presents some concepts such as dialects, language duplication, or the use of two forms of the same language in the same community, and others.
    • 10311436
This course addresses a specialized topic in modern methods in teaching the French Language for foreigners chosen by the course instructor. The course deals with the most important methods, how to adopt them, and their compatibility with the Palestinian educational environment. Furthermore, it aims at analyzing and comparing the ancient and modern French teaching books, as it also aims at introducing the various class methods and standards of evaluation. At the end of the course, the student gives a lesson on a topic s/he chooses with the instructor.
Explores the world of entrepreneurship and creativity by examining the processes and techniques used to develop ideas and turn them into successful projects. The course includes understanding the foundations of entrepreneurship and the stages of emerging business development, in addition to analyzing the factors that affect the success of entrepreneurial projects and enhancing creativity in various fields.

Sub-specialty Requirements Student must complete 27 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course deals with one of the branches of the Arabic language, which is applied linguistics: its concept and importance, introducing the student to the meaning of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, the names given to it, stating its importance, fields, and linguistic, communicative and cultural competencies, and then briefly describing its four elements: objectives, content , Teaching methods, and evaluation.
    • 10304101
Familiarizing students with the different methods of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and its strategies, and the role of technology and educational aids, including games, images, drama and others in teaching and learning, and investing all of this in building curricula for the field, and in organizing the study in and outside the classroom.
    • 10304101
Introducing students to foreign language schools and theories and applying them to Arabic for non-native speakers, then how to benefit from them in the processes of learning, teaching and language acquisition.
    • 10304103
Introduce students to the Arabic language skills for non-native speakers: listening, speaking, reading and writing, standing on their importance, and methods of building and employing them in teaching and learning according to different language levels.
    • 10304104
Introducing students to curricula for teaching Arabic to non-native speakers: its design, preparation and evaluation, its different types, and then to how to build those types, their needs, and the obstacles behind this to reach an integrated curriculum
    • 10304101
This course seeks to define the linguistic encounter, and its role in teaching Arabic to non-native speakers, in building its curricula, following the methodology of analyzing and addressing errors, and its role in accelerating the educational process, facilitating and developing it.
    • 10304101
Studying the international references in language education, especially the standards of the American Council of Languages ??ACTFL, and the European Framework of Reference for Languages ??SEFER, explaining its role in teaching, building curricula, tests and evaluation, then studying the types of language tests for non-Arabic speakers, and showing the methods of their construction.
    • 10304101
This course seeks to identify the problems of teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers and its challenges related to institutions, teachers, students, curricula, methods, and teaching methods, and to benefit from their knowledge in teaching and development.
    • 10304101
The teacher chooses a topic specific to this field, for example the use of educational technology in the teaching process, or he/she dedicates it to the applied side for students, as they are trained in designing curricula and providing lessons or conducting practical research in the field in cooperation with the Institute for Teaching Arabic Language to Speakers of Other Languages ??at the University, or other topics which the teacher deems appropriate and serve the field.

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