جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Private Law
Duration: 24 Months (2 Years)
Degree Awarded: MSc
Student must complete 36 credit hours

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 24 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course is a comprehensive study of up to date commercial contracts in the international arena such as electronic contracts.
An intensive study of the private international rules and the significant treaties in private international law. The international jurisdictions for the Palestinian courts will be considered. Students will examine how the international systems can be implemented in Palestine.
This course aims to define the International Commercial Arbitration Act and distinguish between it and local arbitration. The rules of arbitration in private international relations will be studied. Study the arbitration deal, its nature in international organisation, study the arbitration commissions and the international legal organisation for arbitration.
In this course, students will study the basic legislation of banks and their working legal systems. Special attention will be paid to current account systems, banks loans and documentary credits, focusing on the applicable rules in Palestine.
This course aims at conducting an intensive comparative study of civil law. Students will determine the significant theories which civil law is based on.
In this course, students will learn how to conduct research in a topic that will be selected from a list of specialisations. The topic must be approved before it is initiated. This research will be conducted under the supervision of the course instructor. The research will be discussed by the students in a seminar. Through the discussion seminar, the students will focus on acquiring and perfecting the skills needed to draft legal documents, to be aware of the cross effects between legal rules and general legislation policy.
In this course a graduate student must submit a thesis and pass an oral defence related to his/her thesis. (See Academic Rules and Regulations for Graduate Students).

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 12 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
This course aims at studying the different types of insurances, reinsurance, how they relate to local and international banking services and their relationship with international trade. Methods and agencies to monitor insurance and banks will be discussed as well.
This course aims at defining the international commercial sources and their objectives. The significant treaties in the field of international commercial will also be discussed.
This course aims at defining the significant Intellectual Property rights, for the literary industry and property trade. Students will study the significant international treaties within this topic and the significant local legislation.
This course includes an in-depth study of several theories related to civil law and its practical applications in Palestine and other comparative legal systems. In this course, students will study one or more of the following legal theories: the theory of Force majeure, the theory of Arbitrariness, the theory of hardship, the theory of unjust enrichment, and other civil law theories. Also, this course discusses the extent of the civil law theories implications over contracts and other legal obligations.
Students will learn skills to draft contracts regarding economical, political, social and legal issues.
The purpose of this course is to define the international judiciary and how it attempts to resolve international, commercial, and political conflicts. The rules of international courts, such as the International Court of Justice, will be studied. Students will study significant judiciary treaties, determining which belong to the international court sentences and the ways to implement these laws.
This course provides an extensive study on the public shareholding companies, the mechanism of listing and trading its shares in the financial market, as well as studying the legislative framework of the financial market; such as the securities law and the Capital Market Authority?s Law. Also, this course examines the legal framework for brokerage companies and their contracts with investors to invest in the stock exchange. Moreover, this course discusses the supervision of the Capital Market Authority over the securities sector in accordance with the applicable legislation.
This course studies the general framework of the civil and commercial procedures law, the theory of judicial proceedings, practical procedures of civil cases, judicial rulings and appeals, the theory of interest in judicial proceedings, and legal defences. Also, this course focuses on the practical aspects of civil trials before the Palestinian courts, as well as discussing the main legal gaps and hurdles in the Palestinian civil and commercial procedures law.
This course examines the major labor work principles and the international rules belonging to individual workers? rights, legal organising for collective workers relations and how to resolve work disputes.
This course is a study of two main branches of rights - the original rights in rem and the dependent rights in rem. The course provides details about proprietorship rights, means of protection and restrictions on it. Then the course discusses specific types of ownership including public ownership, upper and lower ownership, mutual wall, apartment and floor ownership. The course will also dwell on reasons for acquiring property after death and reasons for ownership in case of life. The course ends with a study into adjacency rules.
This course addresses the development of legislation in Palestine during the various ruling systems that governed the country, from the Outman rule to the British Mandate, the Jordanian and Egyptian rule, the Israeli occupation and finally the Palestinian Authority, indicating the constitutional framework for the legislative policy.
This course aims at teaching students how to use computers in order to gain access to the information databases that are necessary to legal research.

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