جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Duration: 24 Months (2 Years)
Degree Awarded: MSc
Student must complete 36 credit hours

Speciality Requirements Student must complete 27 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
Students are supposed to coordinate with the instructor to perform an extensive review of the literature of a certain topic in pharmacology, toxicology, and/or pharmacotherapy. Following the review, students should be able to prepare a proposal which include objectives, methods, anticipated results, and conclusion. The research proposal would be presented by the student in the department in a seminar format.
This course focuses on analytical methods that are used in analysis and the course also provides a solid foundation to theories and applications of modern analytical techniques. The course presents theory and practice of instrumental analysis in a context relevant to areas of scientific study including medical, biomedical and pharmaceutical research.
This course provides an in-depth connection between molecular biology and pharmacology. It begins with a brief introduction to molecular biology, followed by a detailed examination of pharmacological principles, including drug-receptor interactions, specificity, agonism, desensitization, and drug effects. Students will study protein targets, ion channels, receptor regulation, intracellular calcium control, and physiological processes like muscle contraction and cell proliferation. Methods in pharmacology, such as bioassays and animal models, are covered alongside the pharmacology of the autonomic and somatic nervous systems. This course equips students with advanced knowledge for research and professional practice in pharmacology.
This course includes studying drugs acting on the pulmonary system chemotherapeutics and anti-microbials, anti-inflammatory, analgesics & antipyretics, drugs acting on the gastrointestinal tract endocrine pharmacology, drugs for urologic disorders, anemia, dermatology, in addition to the practical part.
The course provides qualitative and quantitative description of kinetics of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Topics covered include an introduction to pharmacokinetic models, demonstration of the prediction of drug concentration after various modes of administration, discussion of the physicochemical and patient related factors affecting drug absorption, bioavailability and bioequivalence, drug distribution, the clinical application of pharmacokinetic principles for safe and effective drug therapy, adjustment of dosing regimens for optimizing therapeutic drug levels in the body and the role of pharmacokinetics in drug development and discovery
The Pharmaceutical Biostatistics course provides students with essential knowledge and skills in applying statistical methods to pharmaceutical research and practice. Students will learn foundational biostatistical concepts and their applications in clinical trials, drug development, and epidemiological studies. Topics include principles of study design, sample size determination, statistical hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression analysis, survival analysis, and non-parametric methods. Emphasis will be placed on interpreting and critically evaluating statistical results relevant to pharmaceutical outcomes. Through theoretical instruction and practical exercises, students will develop proficiency in using biostatistical tools to inform evidence-based decision-making in pharmaceutical sciences.
This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the basic concepts of pharmacovigilance. Students will explore the concept of causality in adverse reactions and the protocols for adverse drug reaction reporting. The course also covers the various methods and tools used in pharmacovigilance, equipping students with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively monitor and ensure drug safety. The course also covers regulatory the requirements for conducting clinical trials
This course focuses on the clinical applications of pharmacological principles for patient care. Master?s students will learn the practical principles of rational pharmacotherapy, with a particular emphasis on individualizing therapy, understanding pharmacokinetics, and managing medication side effects. The course will emphasize the principles, concepts, processes, and skills essential in clinical pharmacology. Therapeutic topics and case studies of common diseases will be covered, providing a comprehensive background on the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and pharmacokinetics of the medications used.
The course reinforces students? understanding of various principles of electro-chemical signaling pathways in the nervous system. It also deepens understanding of normal chemical and behavioral functions of the main neurotransmitters. The course help students understand the different pathological pathways, neurochemistry, and management of frequent psychiatric and neurological abnormalities and disorders. Familiarize students with the mechanisms underlying neurotoxicity and how these as assessed.
7730598 Comprehensive Exam 0

Speciality Optional Requirements Student must complete 9 credit hours

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Prerequests
410325 Therapeutics1 3
410335 Therapeutics 2 3
7710260 Pharmacotherapy of Infectious Diseases 3
This course aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the normal functions and regulatory mechanisms of hormonal and metabolic systems, including their behavioral implications. Students will learn various pathological pathways associated with endocrine and metabolic disorders, focusing on effective pharmacological management strategies for these conditions. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the underlying mechanisms of metabolic disorders and the methods used to assess them. Through theoretical study and practical application, students will develop proficiency in addressing complex issues related to metabolic and endocrine health alongside with the related pharmacotherapy skills.
In this course, students are supposed to initiate a discussion of various scientific papers focusing on the pharmacology of different systems, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. The course also provides a critical review of scientific literature in pharmacology based on analyzing and appraisal of important publications in the field.
The Pharmacoepidemiology course applies epidemiological methods to the field of clinical pharmacology. It emphasizes the critical role of post-marketing surveillance of medical products, including drugs, biologics, and devices. The course highlights the importance of monitoring drug safety and managing drug safety crises, underscoring the necessity of pharmacoepidemiology. Students will gain essential pharmacoepidemiologic knowledge crucial for informing governmental decisions about drug safety.

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