جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University
Nursing Anesthesia
Duration: 24 Months (2 Years)
Degree Awarded: MSc


Nursing department is mainly dependent on the existence of laboratories  in order to qualify and prepare students to be able to acquire the skills of nursing by the application  Within hospitals and health institutions so that integrates the theoretical side with the practical side.

Evidence Based practice  has shown that a good preparation for nursing students in the practical laboratory contributes to bridge the gap between the theoretical and practical as well as enhances students' self-confidence.



Obvious need for the Palestinian health care and huge advances in surgery, based on advances in anesthetic techniques and standards require starting the Master program in Nurse Anesthesia

Palestine has tremendous needs in the health care both at present and for the foreseeable future. At present, hospitals face critical shortages of anesthetic nurses, and often, those anesthetictechnitian who are working in the hospitals are not fully competent. 

The Shortage of anesthetic nurses in Palestine is creating pressure for establishing anesthetic nursing Program. A widespread demand for more anesthetic nurses, as well as a push to increase the professionalism of the nursing field, has prompted more and more nursingprograms to reach out. Human resource development is a high priority, with a view toachieving an extremely important goal: training sufficient numbers of human resources to provide high-quality health services, and providing them with the skills. Convinced that investment in human resources is the optimal and most durable investment.

Establishing Anesthetic Nursing Program would further serve the nation’s need for qualified health professionals. The proposed program is consistant to provide quality higher education. By establishing a program, new and practicing health care professionals will be able to upgrade their skills locally, thereby helping improve health care services, which will have a direct impact on the quality of life for the people of the nation.

Virtually every hospital in the region is looking for anesthesiologists and certified registered nurse anesthetists, the highly trained specialists who administer anesthesia during surgeries. "We are concerned about what the future holds because the projections nationwide are for a continuing and worsening shortage of both anesthesiologists and CRNAs,"

We cooperate with the following institutions:

  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Education
  • Ministry of Higher Education
  • Private Health Sectors

Teaching and Learning

The student’s development of lifelong learning is emphasised. This is a way of dealing with the society of today and tomorrow, which is characterised by constant change, development and rapid growth of and access to new knowledge? Taking responsibility for one’s learning, seeking and evaluating knowledge, and being able to deal with change are also central factors. This view of learning requires that the individual is active, i.e. he/she studies the facts, reflects, takes a stand, tries things out or expresses himself/herself verbally and in writing. The whole individual, with his/her thoughts, feelings and actions, is involved in learning.  Man has a need for wholeness, and learns in interplay with others and with the surroundings. The outlook upon which this supposition is based is characterised by belief in each individual’s ability and desire to obtain knowledge and competence. The most important tasks of education are to stimulate the student’s motivation in different ways, promote development of self-directed learning, and make sure there are good conditions for learning.

The curriculum is based on the Neumann systems model. Betty Neumann developed the Health Care System Model as an organizing framework to help in understanding client needs using a holistic viewpoint.  Neumann defines, describes, and links together the four concepts of nursing met paradigm (person, environment, health, and nursing) within the model using the world view of reciprocal interaction. The Neumann Systems Model depicts an open system in which persons and their environment are in dynamic interaction. The client system is composed of five interacting variables: physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual.


Problem-based learning is the educational method used and it has the following characteristics:

  • Real-life situations constitute the basis for working through problems and are a foundation for learning; these situations should be relevant to the aims of the education.
  • Self-directed learning, the student’s own studies, activities, and responsibility for his/her own learning. Such competence involves being able to identify his/ her own needs in regard to learning, being able to select and use different sources to obtain information, being able to critically assess sources of information, and being able to evaluate that is learned in relation to his/her needs, and being able to use this knowledge in a relevant way.
  • Group work. During his/her education the student should develop self-knowledge, which involves understanding and being able to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in interplay with others.
  • Working in small groups prepares students for teamwork in the future and develops an ability to cooperate. Being able to cooperate with others will be important to the student later when functioning professionally in multiprofessional groups involved in health promotion, prevention, curing, rehabilitation and other health-related tasks.
  • Working in a tutorial group (consisting of 6-7 students and a faculty tutor) is the fundamental method of studying in problem-based learning. Other methods include lectures, seminars, resource opportunities, field studies and other types of skill practice.
  • With the various educational phases, problems are introduced around a theme, which places a time on an area of study. A study guide for each term is drawn up based on the objectives of the curriculum. The study guide is of the assistance to both students and teachers, and describes detailed aims, course content and study method.
  • Within the program evaluation takes place continually by means of the evaluation of each tutorial group meeting. Assessment occurs continuously and is focused not only on factual knowledge, but also on the student’s ability to work through and solve problems. Examinations are given following longer educational phases, and take place to some extent at the end of each term.
  • Students evaluation of courses and faculty performance is analyzed and documented
  • Evaluation of students´ progress in theoretical and clinical courses documented
  • Curriculum is evaluated by
    • Faculty.
    • Senior students.
    • Graduates.
    • Service institutions.

Teaching methods

  1. Lectures
  2. Group discussion
  3. Home assignments (using moodle)
  4. Study Case
  5. Video

Coursework and Assessment

  • The students have to achieve the required standards for attendance, professional conduct and the assessment for both theory and practice.
  • Each course has its own assessment method for both theory and practice depending on the course requirements which will be clearly stated in each outline handed to the students in the beginning of the course the components of which will range from, examination, assignments, case presentation, poster presentation, student seminar, feedback through encouragement of self assessment, assessment from the teacher, peers and preceptors.
  • Formative and summative evaluation will be used for assessing each course, clinical setting, preceptors, lecturer and students´ contribution to her learning process. The results and recommendations will be highly considered for course modification.
  • The students will be asked to evaluate the quality of courses through specific questionnaires.
  • Feedback for the student progress is an integral part of teaching/learning experience. Each assignment will have its own guideline for completion and grading system.
  • Examination grades will be distributed according to each course. Written feedback will be provided for each assignment and examination, summarizing areas of strength and weakness in clinical and theoretical achievements communicate and document.

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