جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017, An-Najah’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences held an introductory workshop on the Palestinian health care system and battered women at the faculty building in the New Campus.

The project is a collaborative project implemented by An-Najah National University represented by Dr. Amira Shaheen and Dr. Abdul Salam, Juzoor for Health and Social Development represented by Ms Rehab Sandouka; the University of Bristol and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in the U.K; the World Health Organization in Genève and the University of São Paulo in Brazil.

In the opening speech, Dr. Imad Dweikat, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences stressed the importance of the project and mentioned that the university encourages the partnerships An-Najah has with national institutions in terms of scientific research.

Dr. Shaheen, who is the project supervisor, briefed the attendees on the project’s goals and methods.

Ms Maha Awwad from the Ministry of Health discussed the projects results where the UNRWA representative talked about Takamul system and its implementation in the UNRWA clinics.

In turn, Ms Marina Zaied from Juzoor talked about the role of Juzoor in training health staff to change their attitude towards violence against women.

The workshop also included a discussion by Doctors Without Borders France on the obstacles that encounter the medical staff when dealing with battered women.

The workshop participants recommended initiating a survey that studies to what extend the Palestinian health care system is appropriate to deal with battered women.

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