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PaLotus Team from the Department of Computer Engineering at An-Najah National University won 2nd Place of the OpenCV AI Competition in the Middle East and Africa region under the supervision of Dr. Anas Toma, Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering.

PaLotus ream includes two students, namely; Salsabeel Daraghmeh and Aisha Marmash. More than 1400 teams initiated the first OpenCV AI Competition. 257 teams were selected for the second phase of the competition.

We are extremely happy to announce that our PaLotus Team is one of the 19 Regional Prize winners. In particular, they earned 2nd place in the Middle East and Africa region!

This competition began with the goals of furthering the spread of AI through the global OpenCV community, making edge AI hardware more affordable and easier to access, and focusing that power on social good. 

120 teams submitted final proposals, and the competition's panel of judges chose the top 3 from each of 6 global regions as the Regional Prize Winners. The choices were difficult, but only because the submissions were all so strong.

For this year’s competition, the OpenCV AI Competition 2021, sponsored by Microsoft Azure and Intel focuses on solutions solving real world problems using spatial AI. Teams will use the new OpenCV AI Kit D (OAK-D) to solve their challenge areas. The OAK-D is a smart camera with neural inference and depth processing capability on board.

It is worth mentioning that there is a award given to the most popular project after reviewing the top 3 teams from each region based on the audience votes. The team with the most votes by September 20th, 2021, will receive an additional $2,000 prize. Multiple votes from the same email will not be counted, and teams found to be cheating will be disqualified.

To vote for PaLotus team, click here:


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