جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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In a momentous accomplishment that reverberates across Arab and international arenas, An-Najah National University has secured the top position in the fifth edition of the Arabic Arbitration Moot competition organized by the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration (SCCA) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The prestigious competition, which drew participation from 134 teams representing 27 countries, featured 921 students and supervisors from around the globe. The event, conducted virtually, focused on arbitration cases in the Arabic language, meticulously mirroring the intricacies of international commercial arbitration scenarios.

An-Najah National University's triumphant team, hailing from the Faculty of Law and Political Science, comprised Farah Atatreh, Sarah Omar, Marah Hamdallah, and Rouaa Jeradat, under the astute guidance of their coach, Mr. Mohammad Abushehab, and the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Noor Adas.

The path to victory was arduous, with the An-Najah team excelling through the 32nd and 16th rounds, securing a spot among the top eight teams. Subsequently, they advanced to the semi-finals, ultimately earning a coveted place in the final round where they competed against King Saud bin Abdulaziz University and emerged as the undisputed champions.

Prof. Abdel Nasser Zaid, President of An-Najah University, commended the team's outstanding achievement and acknowledged the unwavering efforts of the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Science and the team coach. Despite the challenging circumstances faced by the Palestinian people, the team showcased unparalleled dedication, proudly representing the State of Palestine and An-Najah National University.

Dr. Adas underscored the university's commitment to supporting students' participation in both local and international activities. She lauded the exemplary performance of the female students and highlighted the pivotal role played by the team's coach. Emphasizing the significance of such engagements, she noted their role in shaping students' knowledge, skills, and personalities.

Expressing his pride in the Faculty of Law and Political Science team's accomplishment, the team coach emphasized that this achievement aligns with the faculty's vision of fostering student development and enhancing their capabilities.

In the SCCA Arabic Moot, each team undergoes a lifelike simulation, assuming the roles of claimant and respondent. They present written memorials and deliver oral pleadings in a simulated arbitration case, all under the scrutiny of a distinguished panel of international arbitrators. This process aims to augment the practical dimensions of the academic knowledge acquired by students during their university journey.

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