جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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With an outstanding presentation and specific steps to prove that their project actually works, Team Green Gold from An-Najah National University advances to the Global Final of the Hult-Prize. Green Gold team will present their start-up at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.

After placing first in the Hult Accelerator in London, students Lara Al-Khatib, and Walid Al-Titi from the Department of Computer Engineering, and Mithlon Sabbagh from the Faculty of Medicine at the University, have been invited to compete against five other teams from around the world at the Hult Prize Global Finals in New York City. 

Merely reaching the Global Finals represents a tremendous achievement. For this year's challenge, the Hult Prize is asking youth around the world to build viable food enterprises that will create jobs, stimulate economies, reimagine supply chains, and improve outcomes for 10,000,000 people by 2030.

The Hult Prize is a global social entrepreneurship competition tapping into ‎student innovation to solve its most pressing issues. Each year, it challenges ‎students from all over the world to work in teams and create social ‎enterprises focused on finding a solution to one of these issues. These teams ‎will eventually compete against each other for a chance to win US$1 million ‎in start-up funding. 

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