جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The Office of International Development and External Affair’s University Debate Society recently competed in the second Asian Arabic Debating Championship in Muscat, Oman, hosted by the Qatar Debate Foundation from January 29th to February 2nd 2023.

An-Najah University Debate Society placed in the top 9 teams in the whole tournament, now confirming them as among the best teams in Asia within the Arabic debate circuit.

The debaters who participated from included Zina Hourani, Israa Hassan Saffarini Farah Atatreh as debaters and Massa Turabi a team researcher. They were accompanied by the team’s lead Arabic debate coach, Mr. Shehab Khader.  The tournament was carried out in the Arabic version of the British Parliamentary debate format.  This structure of competitive debate involves two teams competing against one another with three speakers per team. Each team aims to create the most persuasive case after only 20 minutes of preparation (which includes no access to the internet). 

Student Safarini won the seventh best speaker among more than165 debaters in the tournament.

The tournament included 5 qualifying rounds ranging in ‎topics including the government’s right to determine the wage scale in the private sector, how society views and responds to drug addiction (Treating a drug addict as a patient, not a criminal), and the athletes’ right to express political opinions during sports events.

The University Debate society is led by Mrs. Alia Gilbrecht under the oversight of the Vice President of International Development and External Affairs, Dr. Kherieh Rassas.

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