جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Stanford University has recently released an update of the list that represents the top 2% of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. The list was prepared by a team of experts at the Stanford University. It identifies the top scholars in their own areas of specialty and whose publications are most frequently cited by other authors around the globe.

Eleven researchers of An-Najah University have been featured among the World's Top 2% Scientists List for 2022 on the basis of a subject-wise analysis.

An-Najah had 11 researchers in Stanford University’s 2021 list of top 2% scientists, while there were 9 in the 2020 list. This recognition places An-Najah University in the global map of excellence in scientific research. The Stanford ranking is based on the bibliometric information (citation metrics) contained in the Scopus database which includes more than 180,000 researchers.

The elven faculty members have been ranked for their research publications citations using all Scopus author profiles, and their lifetime contribution to their specific fields of research in the list.

Speaking about the contributions made by An-Najah University's researchers, Prof. Abdel Naser Zaid, An-Najah President said, “This recognition of the University's researchers in the world’s top 2% of Scientists List has placed An-Najah in the global map of science and has brought great pride to the University. I congratulate our researchers for their hard-work and commitment to furthering Science.”

The following academic faculty members were ranked in the top 2%:

  • Prof. Waleed ٍSweileh

  • Dr. Tamer Khatib

  • Dr. Sa'ed Zyoud

  • Prof. Ansam Sawalha

  • Prof. Marwan Mahmoud

  • Dr. Ramzi Shawahneh

  • Dr. Mohammad Al-Masry

  • Dr. Samah Al-Jabi

  • Prof. Ismail Warad

  • Dr. Nidal Jaradat

  • Prof. Rowa' AL-Ramahi

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