جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The conference aimed at reinforcing free debates in universities' administrations in the Middle East ‎and discussing the strategic plans of the CONFREMO conference.

On Sunday, November 1st 2015, Dr Waseem Al-Bishawi, Head of the French Language Department ‎at An-Najah participated in the 8th Conference of Rectors in the Middle East (CONFREMO) at the ‎Paris-Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates.‎

The conference was over three days from November 1-3, 2015 and was attended by a number of ‎Egyptian, Lebanese, Sudan, Palestinian, Jordanian and Iranian universities.‎

The conference aimed at reinforcing free debates in universities' administrations in the Middle East ‎and discussing the strategic plans of the CONFREMO conference.‎

In the first day, participants discussed the challenges that encounter the francophone and the ‎activities held by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF). They also elected Dr. ‎Rasheed Zahran as a director to the CONFREMO conference for the year 2016.‎

In the second day, three workshops were held on quality and assurance in higher education, the ‎challenges encountering universities and the self-assessment mechanism in higher educational ‎institutions respectively. The workshops also tackled the issue of the self-assessment model ‎implemented in Moroccan universities and the importance of communication between universities ‎and the community.‎


At the end of the second day, participating universities were introduced to the Paris-Sorbonne ‎University's academic programmes and faculties.‎

Established in 2007 by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), the CONFREMO is a ‎regional, non-government organization that brings together rectors, university presidents and ‎directors of francophone academic institutions in the Middle East to discuss ways to strengthen ‎excellence and performance in the areas of governance, education and research.

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