جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University enthusiastically engaged in Yarmouk University's International Education Week in Irbid. During the event, the university highlighted its achievements in pioneering inventive strategies aimed at fostering employment prospects for recent graduates.

These strategies entail leveraging artificial intelligence as a principal instrument for assessing market demands and scrutinizing studies pertaining to functional requisites within the region. This process facilitates the formulation of innovative strategic initiatives tailored to augment educational and training schemes aligned with market exigencies.

Additionally, the university is actively forging strategic partnerships with private sector companies and institutions to effectively implement these programs, providing job opportunities and training for students and graduates to enhance their practical and job-related skills.

In summary, this partnership presents an essential opportunity for An-Najah University to exchange experiences and knowledge, bolster international cooperation in education improvement, and create job opportunities.

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