جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah University and Paris-Saclay University have joined forces in a groundbreaking international cooperation project aimed at promoting academic exchange and research opportunities. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the partnership between the two esteemed institutions.

Under this initiative, a group of exceptional students from An-Najah University's programs in engineering, mathematics, chemistry, and physics at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels have recently arrived at Paris-Saclay University this summer.

The delegation includes notable students such as Laith Kashua and Saja Salameh, who are pursuing their Master's in Mathematics, focusing on the development of their respective master's theses.

Sarab Hussein, a Master's student in Chemistry, has also joined the delegation to advance her research in her specialized field. Additionally, Dana Al-Aker from the Computer Engineering Department is undertaking comprehensive training in various topics, including cloud computing, to expand her expertise to the Centre of Excellence in High Energy Physics in Palestine (CEHEP2).

In pursuit of groundbreaking projects, Abdul Rahman Marshoud from Mechatronics Engineering, along with Diab Dabbeek from the Department of Physics, specializing in Electronics, have joined their research group. They will be working closely with Dr. Hadil Abualrob, Head of the Physics Department, to contribute to the magnetic design for the magnets of PERL accelerator.

The enduring partnership between An-Najah University and Paris-Saclay University stems from the success of the Winter School of High Energy Physics in Palestine (WISHEPP). Since its inception in 2016, the Winter School has played a pivotal role in facilitating this long-term collaboration under the esteemed leadership of Dr. Ahmed Bassalat, Chair of WISHEPP. Dr. Bassalat's guidance and expertise have been instrumental in nurturing and strengthening this fruitful partnership with PSaclay. The project receives funding from the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

Furthermore, doctoral student Omar Istaitiyeh and student Fidaa Al-Qurum are actively engaged in research within the ATLAS experiment. Their participation includes testing and measurements for the new Inner Tracker pixel Detector of ATLAS to enhance the performance of the ATLAS detector for the future upgrade. An-Najah University's recent involvement in the ATLAS experiment has provided remarkable research opportunities. Additionally, Muhammad Abu Ayyash, a student from the Department of Physics, is undertaking practical training within another detector, while doctoral student Shereen Khalif focuses on pioneering research in nanotechnology for her PhD research in Physics.

The collaboration between An-Najah University and Paris-Saclay University signifies a significant leap forward in fostering international cooperation and academic exchange. This partnership serves as a platform for students to enhance their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields while contributing to cutting-edge research projects.


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