جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, the E-Learning Center at An-Najah National University unveiled a series of flipped classroom courses for the University's faculty members. This initiative is a part of the "Accelerating Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions" project in the Middle East, funded by the Francophone University Agency AUF.

The launch event was graced by the presence of Dr. Abdel Salam Al-Khayyat, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Saida Affouneh, President's Assistant for Digitalization and E-Learning, along with faculty members from various faculties at the University.

Dr. Al-Khayyat inaugurated the meeting by warmly welcoming the faculty members and commending their efforts during the semester. He emphasized the significance of this gathering, aligning with the University's vision and strategic plan to integrate technology into the educational process. In light of the rapid technological advancements witnessed worldwide, Dr. Al-Khayyat highlighted, "This project aims to develop a pool of trainers capable of elevating e-learning and its strategies, particularly the flipped classroom strategy. Its importance lies in empowering students to become active participants and seekers of knowledge rather than mere recipients."

Dr. Affouneh, in her speech, talked about the goals of the "Accelerating Digital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions" project. The project aims to assist beneficiary universities in their sustainable transition toward utilizing digital technology for education on a rational, effective, and proven basis. She stated, "The project endeavors to support beneficiary universities in providing diverse courses and modernizing their teaching methods through digital technology, thereby reinforcing and enhancing the learning processes and equipping them to tackle crises and emergencies."

Furthermore, Dr. Affouneh defined the Flipped Classroom strategy as an educational approach that leverages modern technologies and the internet, allowing teachers to create educational content comprising multimedia elements such as video clips, audio files, and other media. Students engage with these materials diligently at home or in the classroom using computers, smartphones, or tablets before attending face-to-face sessions. In-class time is then dedicated to discussions, projects, and exercises.

During the event, Dr. Mamoun Mubarakah from the Department of Arabic Language and Mr. Basil Abdel Razzaq, a Lecturer at the Language Center, shared their experiences from the training workshop sessions conducted over a two-year period as part of the project.

Mr. Ahmed Nubani from the E-Learning Center presented the training schedule and course details for the project, serving as the primary reference for the trainees throughout the training period. He provided insights on accessing the Moodle platform and navigating its contents. The comprehensive five-day training program consists of 20 hours of instruction, covering all relevant topics, courses, and the final outcomes of the project.

The floor was opened for audience participation, allowing for questions and answers. The E-Learning Center remains committed to advancing, developing, and enhancing higher education by harnessing technology to enrich educational outcomes. It strives to develop the competencies of the University’s faculty members, provide supportive and funded projects, and conduct surveys, procedural assessments, experimental research, and evaluation support to empower individuals to generate knowledge and apply it toward a better future.

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