جامعة النجاح الوطنية
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In line with its vision to introduce new programs and foster innovation in the field of Physics, the Physics Department at the Faculty of Science, An-Najah National University, organized a pioneering introductory workshop on computer-based simulation of laboratory experiments on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. This workshop marked the establishment of the first Applied Physics Technology program of its kind in Palestine.

The workshop aimed to accommodate a diverse range of participants, including science laboratory technicians, engineering laboratory technicians, postgraduate students, faculty members from the Faculty of Education - Department of Science Education, physics teachers, supervisors in education directorates, and school principals.

During the event, Prof. Raed Al-Koni, Dean of the Faculty of Science, emphasized the Faculty of Science's commitment to embracing modernity and staying at the forefront of scientific advancements. Prof. Al-Koni highlighted the necessity of integrating computers, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality experiences into the realm of scientific development.

"This workshop serves as a platform to introduce computer-based simulation of laboratory experiments in collaboration with LAPCO," stated Prof. Al-Koni.

Dr. Hadeel Abu Al-Rub, Head of the Department of Physics, emphasized the significance of physics laboratories in shaping the fundamental sciences. Recognizing the valuable contributions made by students since the establishment of the Physics Department in the seventies, Dr. Al-Rub explained that the workshop was part of a comprehensive plan to modernize laboratory experiments in 2023. The objective is to conduct experiments in a contemporary manner and share this expertise with national and educational institutions.

Expressing gratitude for the University's support, Mr. Muhammad Sabah, LAPCO Representative, acknowledged the cooperation extended to facilitate this partnership. LAPCO aims to deepen its social responsibility by sharing knowledge and providing benefits to both private and government sectors. By actively contributing to community development and product innovation, LAPCO strives to enhance scientific education. 

Mr. Sabah further elaborated that the workshop would encompass a range of experiments, with a focus on hands-on training in the relevant systems.

The workshop featured various experiments aligned with the theme of the event, offering participants a comprehensive understanding of computerized laboratory simulations.

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