جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University continues to uphold its commitment to fostering partnerships with local and international institutions, as well as preparing its students for successful integration into the labor market. In pursuit of this vision, the University recently organized an educational visit to the Jordan Petroleum Refinery site for professors and students enrolled in the Chemical Engineering Program.

This visit aimed to provide a firsthand understanding of the practical aspects of their specialization, given the crucial significance and dynamism of the sector.

The delegation, led by Dr. Shadi Sawalha, Coordinator of the Chemical Engineering Program at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, comprised a group of enthusiastic students from the program. They were warmly received by Eng. Tariq Al-Ghananim, Director of Administrative Services at the refinery, along with the Operations Engineer and the site crew.

Eng. Al-Ghanayem expressed his sincere appreciation for the purposeful scientific visit of the An-Najah National University delegation. He commended the University for its international achievements, notable growth, and exceptional academic reputation at the local, regional, and global levels. Eng. Al-Ghanayem also provided an informative overview of the refinery's activities and diverse operations.

The visit encompassed fruitful discussions on potential avenues for collaboration, particularly in the realm of student training within the chemical engineering program. The refinery's operations align closely with the scientific and practical knowledge acquired by the students. Additionally, the visit included a tour of the examination laboratories, where students had the opportunity to witness a practical experiment firsthand. A comprehensive tour of all refinery units was also conducted, accompanied by detailed explanations.

This educational visit to the Jordan Petroleum Refinery site served as a vital platform for knowledge exchange and mutual understanding between An-Najah National University and the refinery's team. It further exemplifies the University's dedication to equipping students with practical skills and industry insights that will contribute to their professional development.

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