جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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The Faculty of Law at An-Najah National University, in collaboration with the Human Rights and Democracy Media Center "Shams" and the Sawasya II Program, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, successfully organized a refereed scientific conference titled "Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods and Their Effectiveness in Palestine." The conference took place on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at the Faculty of Law Auditorium in the University's New Campus.

The event included the participation of His Excellency the Minister of Justice, Prof. Mohammad Fahhad Al-Shalaldeh, Prof. Abdel Nasser Zaid, President of the University, Ms. Amal Al-Faqih, Executive Director of Shams Center, Mr. Mamoun Attili, Representative of UNDP, and Dr. Naeem Salameh, Dean of the Faculty of Law. Additionally, representatives from the judiciary and legal corps, the Public Prosecution, several lawyers, ministries, police, official and private institutions, the private sector, as well as students and members of the academic and administrative staff of the Faculty of Law attended the conference.

The conference’s primary objective was to shed light on the indispensable role of alternative means of resolving disputes and their significance from practical and legal perspectives, both at the international and local levels. Furthermore, it aimed to contribute to the activation of alternative dispute resolution methods, ensuring improved access to justice for citizens. The conference also sought to showcase the judiciary's role in strengthening the work system through alternative means of dispute resolution and to highlight the legal, economic, and social justifications for resorting to such alternatives.

The organization of this conference aligns with the University's vision to serve the community and address its issues, emphasizing the importance of practical and applied education. It also resonates with the Faculty of Law's vision to foster a legal mindset among students and researchers.

The conference featured eleven research papers presented by specialized researchers from various universities and local and regional institutions. These papers will be published in An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities).

The conference encompassed two sessions. The first session examined the entire arbitration process, from reaching agreements to their practical implementation. Meanwhile, the second session centered around arbitration related to specific issues and the application of municipal dispute resolution methods. Distinguished specialists and experts in the field graciously shared their valuable insights and expertise during these enlightening sessions.

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