جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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An-Najah National University has been awarded the renewal of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Water Resources Management. The University's efforts to promote scientific research and develop the competencies of workers in the water sector have been recognized, as well as its coordination of scientific and research efforts in the water sector and its contribution to strengthening Palestinian and international cooperative relations in the field of water resources sustainability.

The President of the University, Prof. Abdel Nasser Zaid, congratulated the University on this achievement, stating that it reflects An-Najah's commitment to sustainability which it constantly seeks to adopt through its programs, centers, and applied, scientific and research projects. 

He also noted that this renewal is another example of the University's success in achieving Arab and international recognition, following its recent ranking as first in Palestine and the Arab world and fifth globally in the HE Higher Education Ranking for the year 2023.

Dr. Anan Jayyousi, the UNESCO Chair Holder, expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by An-Najah National University in the field of sustainable management, stating that this renewal is a testament to the University's commitment to water sustainability in Palestine. He emphasized the Chair's goals of promoting the integrated management of water resources and employing research and modern technology to develop and improve water services for the Palestinian society.

The renewal of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Water Resources Management serves as a testament to the University's vision and its dedication to achieving the sustainable development goals set forth by the United Nations.

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