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Based on An-Najah National University's mission, which is to serve as a leader in scientific research, improve the quality of scientific research and produce high-quality scientific papers, the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training at the University held a workshop on international criteria for publication.

The workshop covered different topics most important is the international criteria for publication in indexed and recognized international academic journals.

Prof. Waleed Sweileh, Dean of Scientific Research gave a presentation on international scientific journals. The presentation included the following topics: definitions of indexes and scales in research, types of journals, publication requirements, predatory or pseudo-journals, and the impact factor (IF) or journal impact factor (JIF) of an academic journal.

Dr. Saida Affouneh, Dean of the ‎Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training at the University, talked about the faculty of educational sciences' experience in moving towards scientific research and improving its quality. She also talked about capacity building of faculty members with regards to qualitative and quantitative research.

Dr. Affouneh pointed out that this requires moving from publishing research in local journals to international ones and improving research and publishing in English. Therefore, the faculty had agreements with different international universities to offer training for faculty members and some graduate students on research. "The efforts paid off, so we have 13 researches published in Scopes and prominent journals with high impact factor as well as10 research groups of different disciplines to start conducting qualitative research", said Dr. Affouneh.

Prof. Khalid Arar from the ‎Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training talked about his rich experience in publishing researches and scientific editing as a professional scientific editor.

Also, he explained steps and procedures for conducting scientific research as well as the basic steps in the research process.

The workshop was moderated by Dr. Suhail Salha, Head ‎of Early Childhood Department at the Faculty of Educational Sciences and Teacher ‎Training. It was concluded with a question and answer session with the participants.

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