جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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Having met the requirements of the Geographic and Activities Board Operations Manual, An-Najah’s Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has obtained approval for the Computer Society Student Branch Chapter which establishes the direct link between the classroom and the conference room.

IEEE Computer Society (CS) is a professional society of IEEE which aims at advancing the theory, practice, and application of computer and information processing science and technology and the professional standing of its members. It also aims at maintaining 12 standards committees to develop IEEE standards in various areas of computer and software engineering e.g., the Design Automation Standards Committee and the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee.

The Computer Society is a leading publisher of technical material in computing; its publications include 13 peer-reviewed technical magazines and 20 scholarly journals called Transactions as well as conference proceedings, books, and a variety of digital products.

The Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) provides subscriber access to all CS publications. It also offers free access and discounts up to 20%.

In the past couple years, An-Najah’s Computer Society Chapter held the following activities:

  • C++ Day (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and C++ sessions.
  • Think Like A Programmer.
  • Introduction to version control using git.
  • 20-hours of code.
  • MVC and PHP frameworks.
  • jQuery course.
  • IEEEGrandTech
  • mongoDB


IEEE An-Najah Student Branch was established in 2009 at the faculty of engineering. Since then, IEEE Najah SB has taken the initiation and the commitment to spread technological awareness and improve both technical and non technical skills of Palestinian students as well as working on developing scientific research in Palestine.

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