جامعة النجاح الوطنية
An-Najah National University

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نظم قسم علم النفس والإرشاد النفسي في كلية الإقتصاد والعلوم الإجتماعية في جامعة النجاح الوطنية ندوة علمية توعوية عن المواد المخدرة بعنوان "واقع المخدرات في فلسطين" عبر منصة زوم الالكترونية.المزيد

The symposium shed light on the ‎definition of drugs, types of drugs, physical and social effects of ‎drugs, legal and illegal drugs in Palestine, their forms, effects and associated risks as well as the Palestinian law on drugs.

This awareness event was run by experienced facilitators, use interactive role-plays to engage participants and open forum discussions to give them an opportunity to discuss and learn the truth about drugs, including what they are, how they work, why people become addicted and their link with crime and social problems.

Participants talked about the addiction that has the unfortunate side ‎effects of mental and physical withdrawal. Furthermore, the symposium focused on discussing the negative ‎health and social consequences caused by drug use in the Palestinian ‎society. ‎

As with many society's ills, educating people and raising their awareness is the first step in helping them protect themselves against the pressures and temptations that lie ahead. The activity discussed the best treatment and prevention programs for substance abuse problems that can be developed and ‎implemented to address the problem. ‎

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